
Ada, C++, and Java all have support for generics or templates, but on different sets of language entities. A C++ template can be applied to a class or a function. So can a Java generic. An Ada generic can be either a package or a subprogram.

Generic Subprograms

In this example, we will swap two generic objects. This is possible in Ada and C++ using a temporary variable. In Java, parameters are a copy of a reference value that is passed into the function, so modifying those references in the function scope has no effect from the caller's context. A generic swap method, like the below Ada or C++ examples is not possible in Java, so we will skip the Java version of this example.


   type A_Type is private;
procedure Swap (Left, Right : in out A_Type) is
   Temp : A_Type := Left;
   Left  := Right;
   Right := Temp;
end Swap;


template <class AType>
AType swap (AType & left, AType & right) {
   AType temp = left;
   left  = right;
   right = temp;

And examples of using these:


   type R is record
      F1, F2 : Integer;
   end record;

   procedure Swap_R is new Swap (R);
   A, B : R;
   Swap_R (A, B);


class R {
      int f1, f2;

R a, b;
swap (a, b);

The C++ template becomes usable once defined. The Ada generic needs to be explicitly instantiated using a local name and the generic's parameters.

Generic Packages

Next, we're going to create a generic unit containing data and subprograms. In Java or C++, this is done through a class, while in Ada, it's a generic package. The Ada and C++ model is fundamentally different from the Java model. Indeed, upon instantiation, Ada and C++ generic data are duplicated; that is, if they contain global variables (Ada) or static attributes (C++), each instance will have its own copy of the variable, properly typed and independent from the others. In Java, generics are only a mechanism to have the compiler do consistency checks, but all instances are actually sharing the same data where the generic parameters are replaced by java.lang.Object. Let's look at the following example:


   type T is private;
package Gen is
   type C is tagged record
      V : T;
   end record;

   G : Integer;
end Gen;


template <class T>
class C{
     T v;
     static int G;


public class C <T> {
     public T v;
     public static int G;

In all three cases, there's an instance variable (v) and a static variable (G). Let's now look at the behavior (and syntax) of these three instantiations:


   package I1 is new Gen (Integer);
   package I2 is new Gen (Integer);
   subtype Str10 is String (1..10);
   package I3 is new Gen (Str10);
   I1.G := 0;
   I2.G := 1;
   I3.G := 2;


C <int>::G = 0;
C <int>::G = 1;
C <char *>::G = 2;


C.G = 0;
C.G = 1;
C.G = 2;

In the Java case, we access the generic entity directly without using a parametric type. This is because there's really only one instance of C, with each instance sharing the same global variable G. In C++, the instances are implicit, so it's not possible to create two different instances with the same parameters. The first two assignments are manipulating the same global while the third one is manipulating a different instance. In the Ada case, the three instances are explicitly created, named, and referenced individually.

Generic Parameters

Ada offers a wide variety of generic parameters which is difficult to translate into other languages. The parameters used during instantiation — and as a consequence those on which the generic unit may rely on — may be variables, types, or subprograms with certain properties. For example, the following provides a sort algorithm for any kind of array:

   type Component is private;
   type Index is (<>);
   with function "<" (Left, Right : Component) return Boolean;
   type Array_Type is array (Index range <>) of Component;
procedure Sort (A : in out Array_Type);

The above declaration states that we need a type (Component), a discrete type (Index), a comparison subprogram ("<"), and an array definition (Array_Type). Given these, it's possible to write an algorithm that can sort any Array_Type. Note the usage of the with reserved word in front of the function name, to differentiate between the generic parameter and the beginning of the generic subprogram.

Here is a non-exhaustive overview of the kind of constraints that can be put on types:

type T is private; -- T is a constrained type, such as Integer
type T (<>) is private; -- T can be an unconstrained type, such as String
type T is tagged private; -- T is a tagged type
type T is new T2 with private; -- T is an extension of T2
type T is (<>); -- T is a discrete type
type T is range <>; -- T is an integer type
type T is digits <>; -- T is a floating point type
type T is access T2; -- T is an access type, T2 is its designated type