Shared variable control
Ada has built-in support for handling both volatile and atomic data. Let's start by discussing volatile objects.
In the Ada Reference Manual
A volatile object can be described as an object in memory whose value may change between two consecutive memory accesses of a process A — even if process A itself hasn't changed the value. This situation may arise when an object in memory is being shared by multiple threads. For example, a thread B may modify the value of that object between two read accesses of a thread A. Another typical example is the one of memory-mapped I/O, where the hardware might be constantly changing the value of an object in memory.
Because the value of a volatile object may be constantly changing, a compiler cannot generate code to store the value of that object in a register and then use the value from the register in subsequent operations. Storing into a register is avoided because, if the value is stored there, it would be outdated if another process had changed the volatile object in the meantime. Instead, the compiler generates code in such a way that the process must read the value of the volatile object from memory for each access.
Let's look at a simple example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Volatile_Object is Val : Long_Float with Volatile; begin Val := 0.0; for I in 0 .. 999 loop Val := Val + 2.0 * Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Val: " & Long_Float'Image (Val)); end Show_Volatile_Object;
In this example, Val
has the Volatile
aspect, which makes the
object volatile. We can also use the Volatile
aspect in type
declarations. For example:
package Shared_Var_Types is type Volatile_Long_Float is new Long_Float with Volatile; end Shared_Var_Types;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Shared_Var_Types; use Shared_Var_Types; procedure Show_Volatile_Type is Val : Volatile_Long_Float; begin Val := 0.0; for I in 0 .. 999 loop Val := Val + 2.0 * Volatile_Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Val: " & Volatile_Long_Float'Image (Val)); end Show_Volatile_Type;
Here, we're declaring a new type Volatile_Long_Float
in the
package. This type is based on the Long_Float
type and uses the Volatile
aspect. Any object of this type is
automatically volatile.
In addition to that, we can declare components of an array to be volatile. In
this case, we can use the Volatile_Components
aspect in the array
declaration. For example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Volatile_Array_Components is Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Long_Float with Volatile_Components; begin Arr := (others => 0.0); for I in 0 .. 999 loop Arr (1) := Arr (1) + 2.0 * Long_Float (I); Arr (2) := Arr (2) + 10.0 * Long_Float (I); end loop; Put_Line ("Arr (1): " & Long_Float'Image (Arr (1))); Put_Line ("Arr (2): " & Long_Float'Image (Arr (2))); end Show_Volatile_Array_Components;
Note that it's possible to use the Volatile
aspect for the array
declaration as well:
package Shared_Var_Types is private Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Long_Float with Volatile; end Shared_Var_Types;
Note that, if the Volatile
aspect is specified for an object, then the
aspect is also specified automatically — if it
makes sense in the context, of course. In the example above, even though
isn't specified in the declaration of the Arr
array , it's automatically set as well.
When you write code to access a single object in memory, you might actually be
accessing multiple objects at once. For example, when you declare types that
make use of representation clauses — as we've seen in previous sections
—, you might be accessing multiple objects that are grouped together in
a single storage unit. For example, if you have components A
stored in the same storage unit, you cannot update A
actually writing (the same value) to B
. Those objects aren't
independently addressable because, in order to access one of them, we have to
actually address multiple objects at once.
When an object is independently addressable, we call it an independent object. In this case, we make sure that, when accessing that object, we won't be simultaneously accessing another object. As a consequence, this feature limits the way objects can be represented in memory, as we'll see next.
To indicate that an object is independent, we use the Independent
package Shared_Var_Types is I : Integer with Independent; end Shared_Var_Types;
Similarly, we can use this aspect when declaring types:
package Shared_Var_Types is type Independent_Boolean is new Boolean with Independent; type Flags is record F1 : Independent_Boolean; F2 : Independent_Boolean; end record; end Shared_Var_Types;
In this example, we're declaring the Independent_Boolean
type and using
it in the declaration of the Flag
record type. Let's now derive the
type and use a representation clause for the derived type:
package Shared_Var_Types.Representation is type Rep_Flags is new Flags; for Rep_Flags use record F1 at 0 range 0 .. 0; F2 at 0 range 1 .. 1; -- ^ ERROR: start position of -- F2 is wrong! -- ^ ERROR: F1 and F2 share the -- same storage unit! end record; end Shared_Var_Types.Representation;
As you can see when trying to compile this example, the representation clause
that we used for Rep_Flags
isn't following these limitations:
The size of each independent component must be a multiple of a storage unit.
The start position of each independent component must be a multiple of a storage unit.
For example, for architectures that have a storage unit of one byte — such as standard desktop computers —, this means that the size and the position of independent components must be a multiple of a byte. Let's correct the issues in the code above by:
setting the size of each independent component to correspond to
— using a range between 0 andStorage_Unit - 1
—, andsetting the start position to zero.
This is the corrected version:
with System; package Shared_Var_Types.Representation is type Rep_Flags is new Flags; for Rep_Flags use record F1 at 0 range 0 .. System.Storage_Unit - 1; F2 at 1 range 0 .. System.Storage_Unit - 1; end record; end Shared_Var_Types.Representation;
Note that the representation that we're now using for Rep_Flags
is most
likely the representation that the compiler would have chosen for this data
type. We could, however, have added an empty storage unit between F1
— by simply writing F2 at 2 ...
with System; package Shared_Var_Types.Representation is type Rep_Flags is new Flags; for Rep_Flags use record F1 at 0 range 0 .. System.Storage_Unit - 1; F2 at 2 range 0 .. System.Storage_Unit - 1; end record; end Shared_Var_Types.Representation;
As long as we follow the rules for independent objects, we're still allowed to use representation clauses that don't correspond to the one that the compiler might select.
For arrays, we can use the Independent_Components
package Shared_Var_Types is Flags : array (1 .. 8) of Boolean with Independent_Components; end Shared_Var_Types;
We've just seen in a previous example that some representation clauses might
not work with objects and types that have the Independent
aspect. The
same restrictions apply when we use the Independent_Components
For example, this aspect prevents that array components are packed when the
aspect is used. Let's discuss the following erroneous code example:
package Shared_Var_Types is type Flags is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean with Independent_Components, Pack; F : Flags (1 .. 8) with Size => 8; end Shared_Var_Types;
As expected, this code doesn't compile. Here, we can have either independent
components, or packed components. We cannot have both at the same time because
packed components aren't independently addressable. The compiler warns us that
the Pack
aspect won't have any effect on independent components. When we
use the Size
aspect in the declaration of F
, we confirm this
limitation. If we remove the Size
aspect, however, the code is compiled
successfully because the compiler ignores the Pack
aspect and allocates
a larger size for F
package Shared_Var_Types is type Flags is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean with Independent_Components, Pack; end Shared_Var_Types;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System; with Shared_Var_Types; use Shared_Var_Types; procedure Show_Flags_Size is F : Flags (1 .. 8); begin Put_Line ("Flags'Size: " & F'Size'Image & " bits"); Put_Line ("Flags (1)'Size: " & F (1)'Size'Image & " bits"); Put_Line ("# storage units: " & Integer'Image (F'Size / System.Storage_Unit)); end Show_Flags_Size;
As you can see in the output of the application, even though we specify the
aspect for the Flags
type, the compiler allocates eight
storage units, one per each component of the F
An atomic object is an object that only accepts atomic reads and updates. The Ada standard specifies that "for an atomic object (including an atomic component), all reads and updates of the object as a whole are indivisible." In this case, the compiler must generate Assembly code in such a way that reads and updates of an atomic object must be done in a single instruction, so that no other instruction could execute on that same object before the read or update completes.
In other contexts
Generally, we can say that operations are said to be atomic when they can be completed without interruptions. This is an important requirement when we're performing operations on objects in memory that are shared between multiple processes.
This definition of atomicity above is used, for example, when implementing databases. However, for this section, we're using the term "atomic" differently. Here, it really means that reads and updates must be performed with a single Assembly instruction.
For example, if we have a 32-bit object composed of four 8-bit bytes, the compiler cannot generate code to read or update the object using four 8-bit store / load instructions, or even two 16-bit store / load instructions. In this case, in order to maintain atomicity, the compiler must generate code using one 32-bit store / load instruction.
Because of this strict definition, we might have objects for which the
aspect cannot be specified. Lots of machines support integer
types that are larger than the native word-sized integer. For example, a
16-bit machine probably supports both 16-bit and 32-bit integers, but only
16-bit integer objects can be marked as atomic — or, more generally,
only objects that fit into at most 16 bits.
Atomicity may be important, for example, when dealing with shared hardware
registers. In fact, for certain architectures, the hardware may require that
memory-mapped registers are handled atomically. In Ada, we can use the
aspect to indicate that an object is atomic. This is how we can
use the aspect to declare a shared hardware register:
with System; package Shared_Var_Types is private R : Integer with Atomic, Address => System'To_Address (16#FFFF00A0#); end Shared_Var_Types;
Note that the Address
aspect allows for assigning a variable to a
specific location in the memory. In this example, we're using this aspect to
specify the address of the memory-mapped register.
Later on, we talk again about the Address aspect and the GNAT-specific System'To_Address attribute.
In addition to atomic objects, we can declare atomic types — similar to what we've seen before for volatile types. For example:
with System; package Shared_Var_Types is type Atomic_Integer is new Integer with Atomic; private R : Atomic_Integer with Address => System'To_Address (16#FFFF00A0#); end Shared_Var_Types;
In this example, we're declaring the Atomic_Integer
type, which is an
atomic type. Objects of this type — such as R
in this example
— are automatically atomic.
We can also declare atomic array components:
package Shared_Var_Types is private Arr : array (1 .. 2) of Integer with Atomic_Components; end Shared_Var_Types;
This example shows the declaration of the Arr
array, which has atomic
components — the atomicity of its components is indicated by the
Note that if an object is atomic, it is also volatile and independent. In other words, these type declarations are equivalent:
package Shared_Var_Types is type Atomic_Integer_1 is new Integer with Atomic; type Atomic_Integer_2 is new Integer with Atomic, Volatile, Independent; end Shared_Var_Types;
A simular rule applies to components of an array. When we use the
, the following aspects are implied: Volatile
and Independent_Components
. For example,
these array declarations are equivalent:
package Shared_Var_Types is Arr_1 : array (1 .. 2) of Integer with Atomic_Components; Arr_2 : array (1 .. 2) of Integer with Atomic_Components, Volatile, Volatile_Components, Independent_Components; end Shared_Var_Types;
Full-access only
This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.
A full-access object is an object that requires that read or write operations on this object are performed by reading or writing all bits of the object (i.e. the full object) at once. Accordingly, a full-access type is a type whose objects follow this requirement. Note that a full-access type must be simultaneously a volatile type or an atomic type. (In other words, if a type is neither volatile nor atomic, it cannot be a full-access type.)
Just as a reminder, any atomic type is automatically also volatile and independent.
Let's see some examples:
pragma Ada_2022; package Show_Full_Access_Only_Types is type Nonatomic_Full_Access_Type is new Long_Float with Volatile, Full_Access_Only; type Atomic_Full_Access_Type is new Long_Float with Atomic, Full_Access_Only; end Show_Full_Access_Only_Types;
Likewise, we can define nonatomic and atomic full-access objects:
pragma Ada_2022; package Show_Full_Access_Only_Objects is Nonatomic_Full_Access_Obj : Long_Float with Volatile, Full_Access_Only; Atomic_Full_Access_Obj : Long_Float with Atomic, Full_Access_Only; end Show_Full_Access_Only_Objects;
Relevant topics
Nonatomic full-access
As we already know, the value of a volatile object may be constantly changing, so the compiler generates code to read the value of the volatile object from memory for each access. (In other words, the value cannot be stored in a register for further processing.)
In the case of nonatomic full-access objects, the value of the object must not only be read from memory or updated to memory every time, but those operations must also be performed for the complete record object — not just parts of it.
Consider the following example:
pragma Ada_2022; with System; package Registers is type Boolean_Bit is new Boolean with Size => 1; type UInt1 is mod 2**1 with Size => 1; type UInt2 is mod 2**2 with Size => 2; type UInt14 is mod 2**14 with Size => 14; type Window_Register is record -- horizontal line count Horizontal_Cnt : UInt14 := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_14_15 : UInt2 := 16#0#; -- vertical line count Vertical_Cnt : UInt14 := 16#0#; -- refresh signalling Refresh_Needed : Boolean_Bit := False; -- unspecified Reserved_30 : UInt1 := 16#0#; end record with Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First, Volatile, Full_Access_Only; for Window_Register use record Horizontal_Cnt at 0 range 0 .. 13; Reserved_14_15 at 0 range 14 .. 15; Vertical_Cnt at 0 range 16 .. 29; Refresh_Needed at 0 range 30 .. 30; Reserved_30 at 0 range 31 .. 31; end record; procedure Show (WR : Window_Register); end Registers;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Registers is procedure Show (WR : Window_Register) is begin Put_Line ("WR = (Horizontal_Cnt => " & WR.Horizontal_Cnt'Image & ","); Put_Line (" Vertical_Cnt => " & WR.Vertical_Cnt'Image & ","); Put_Line (" Refresh_Needed => " & WR.Refresh_Needed'Image & ")"); end Show; end Registers;
In this example, we have a 32-bit register (of Window_Register
that contains window information for a display:
![digraph foo {
"Record_R" [
label = "{ position | bits | component } | { 0 | { { #0 .. 13 | Horizontal_Cnt } | { #14 .. #15 | Reserved_14_15 } | { #16 .. #29 | Vertical_Cnt } | { #30 .. #31 | Reserved_30_31 } } }"
shape = "record"
Let's use the Window_Register
type from the Registers
package in
a test application:
pragma Ada_2022; with Registers; use Registers; procedure Show_Register is WR : Window_Register; begin -- Nonatomic full-access assignments WR.Horizontal_Cnt := 800; WR.Vertical_Cnt := 600; WR.Refresh_Needed := True; Show (WR); end Show_Register;
The example contains assignments such as WR.Horizontal_Cnt := 800
WR.Vertical_Cnt:= 600
. Because Window_Register
is a full-access
type, these assignments are performed for the complete 32-bit register, even
though we're updating just a single component of the record object.
Note that if Window_Register
wasn't a full-access object, an
assignment such as WR.Horizontal_Cnt := 800
could be performed with a
16-bit operation. In fact, this is what a compiler would most probably select
for this assignment, because that is more efficient than manipulating the
entire object. Therefore, using a full-access object prevents the compiler
from generating operations that could lead to unexpected results.
Whenever possible, this full-access assignment is performed in a single machine operation. However, if it's not possible to generate a single machine operation on the target machine, the compiler may generate multiple operations for the update of the record components.
Note that we could combine these two assignments into a single one using an aggregate:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Registers; use Registers; procedure Show_Register is WR : Window_Register; begin -- Nonatomic full-access assignment -- using an aggregate: WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => 800, Vertical_Cnt => 600, Refresh_Needed => True, others => <>); Show (WR); end Show_Register;
Again, this assignment is performed for the complete 32-bit register — ideally, using a single 32-bit machine operation — by reading the value from the memory.
Let's add another statement to the code example:
pragma Ada_2022; with Registers; use Registers; procedure Show_Register is WR : Window_Register := (Horizontal_Cnt => 800, Vertical_Cnt => 600, Refresh_Needed => True, others => <>); begin WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, Vertical_Cnt => Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, others => <>); Show (WR); end Show_Register;
In this example, we have an initialization using the same aggregate as in the
previous code example. We also have an assignment, in which we read the value
of WR
and use it in the calculation.
Delta aggregates
If we want to just change two components, but leave the information of other components untouched, we can use a delta aggregate. (Note that we haven't discussed the topic of delta aggregates yet: we'll do that later on in this course. However, in simple terms, we can use them to modify specific components of a record without changing the remaining components of the record.)
For example, we might want to update just the vertical count and indicate that
update via the Refresh_Needed
flag, but keep the same horizontal count:
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Registers; use Registers; procedure Show_Registers is WR : Window_Register := (Horizontal_Cnt => 800, Vertical_Cnt => 600, others => <>); begin -- Delta assignment WR := (WR with delta Vertical_Cnt => 800, Refresh_Needed => True); Show (WR); end Show_Registers;
A delta assignment using an aggregate such as (WR with delta ...)
includes reading the value of the complete 32-bit WR
object from memory,
changing the components specified after with delta
, and writing the
complete 32-bit WR
object back to memory. The reason is that we need to
retrieve the information that is supposed to remain intact — the
and the reserved components — in order to write
them back as a full-access operation.
Atomic full-access
As we already know, atomic objects only accept atomic reads and updates, which — as a whole — are indivisible, i.e. they must be done in a single instruction, so that no other instruction could execute on that same object before the read or update completes. (Again, if an object is atomic, this implies it is also volatile.)
In the case of atomic full-access objects, the complete object must be read and updated. Ideally, this operation corresponds to a single atomic operation on the target machine, but it can also translate to multiple atomic operations.
Let's adapt the previous example to illustrate this. First, we adapt the type in the package:
pragma Ada_2022; with System; package Registers is type Boolean_Bit is new Boolean with Size => 1; type UInt1 is mod 2**1 with Size => 1; type UInt2 is mod 2**2 with Size => 2; type UInt14 is mod 2**14 with Size => 14; type Window_Register is record -- horizontal line count Horizontal_Cnt : UInt14 := 16#0#; -- unspecified Reserved_14_15 : UInt2 := 16#0#; -- vertical line count Vertical_Cnt : UInt14 := 16#0#; -- refresh signalling Refresh_Needed : Boolean_Bit := False; -- unspecified Reserved_30 : UInt1 := 16#0#; end record with Size => 32, Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First, Atomic, Full_Access_Only; for Window_Register use record Horizontal_Cnt at 0 range 0 .. 13; Reserved_14_15 at 0 range 14 .. 15; Vertical_Cnt at 0 range 16 .. 29; Refresh_Needed at 0 range 30 .. 30; Reserved_30 at 0 range 31 .. 31; end record; procedure Show (WR : Window_Register); end Registers;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Registers is procedure Show (WR : Window_Register) is begin Put_Line ("WR = (Horizontal_Cnt => " & WR.Horizontal_Cnt'Image & ","); Put_Line (" Vertical_Cnt => " & WR.Vertical_Cnt'Image & ","); Put_Line (" Refresh_Needed => " & WR.Refresh_Needed'Image & ")"); end Show; end Registers;
We then use the package in our test application:
with Registers; use Registers; procedure Show_Register is WR : Window_Register := (Horizontal_Cnt => 800, Vertical_Cnt => 600, Refresh_Needed => True, others => <>); begin WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, Vertical_Cnt => Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, others => <>); Show (WR); end Show_Register;
In this example, we first have an atomic initialization of WR
using an
aggregate. Then, we have an atomic assignment to the atomic full-access object
. Because its type is an atomic full-access type, the operations are
atomic operations that always access the full object from and to memory.
Comparison: full-access and non-full-access types
An interesting exercise for the reader is to compare the Assembly code
generated for the code example above with a version of this code where the
is not a full-access type.
Relevant topics
On a Linux platform, you can use objdump to retrieve the Assembly code and diff to see the difference between both versions of the type. For example:
objdump --target=elf64-x86-64 -d -S ./show_register > full_access.txt
# [...]
diff --width=80 -t -y full_access.txt no_full_access.txt
By doing this kind of comparisons, you might gain more insights on the impact
of the Full_Access_Only
For further reading...
By running on a PC, we can compare the
Intel Assembly code for various
versions of the code. Let's start with the version using a nonatomic
full-access version of Window_Register
vs. the nonatomic
(non-full-access) version of Window_Register
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
These are the manually-adapted differences between both versions:
-- Volatile, Full_Access_Only | -- Volatile
procedure Show_Register is procedure Show_Register is
push %rbp push %rbp
mov %rsp,%rbp mov %rsp,%rbp
sub $0x20,%rsp | sub $0x10,%rsp
WR : Window_Register := WR : Window_Register :=
(Horizontal_Cnt => 800, (Horizontal_Cnt => 800,
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xffffc000,%eax and $0xffffc000,%eax
or $0x320,%eax or $0x320,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%eax and $0xc000ffff,%eax
or $0x2580000,%eax or $0x2580000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
or $0x40000000,%eax or $0x40000000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,-0x14(%rbp) <
mov -0x14(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) <
Vertical_Cnt => 600, Vertical_Cnt => 600,
Refresh_Needed => True, Refresh_Needed => True,
others => <>); others => <>);
begin begin
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax | mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%ecx <
and $0x3fff,%cx | and $0x3fff,%ax
> add %eax,%eax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => <
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,%edx <
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, <
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax <
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
and $0xffffc000,%edx <
or %edx,%eax <
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
mov %edx,%eax | mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) | and $0xffffc000,%eax
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax | or %edx,%eax
> mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
> mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) | mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
Vertical_Cnt => Vertical_Cnt =>
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax | mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
shr $0x10,%eax shr $0x10,%eax
mov %eax,%ecx | and $0x3fff,%ax
and $0x3fff,%cx | add %eax,%eax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => <
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,%edx <
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, <
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax <
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
shl $0x10,%eax shl $0x10,%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%edx <
or %edx,%eax <
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
mov %edx,%eax | mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) | and $0xc000ffff,%eax
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax | or %edx,%eax
> mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
> mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
and $0xbfffffff,%eax and $0xbfffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) | mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax | mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) <
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
> mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
> mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
others => <>); others => <>);
As we can see, although parts of the Assembly code are the same or look very similar, there are some differences between both versions. These differences are mostly related to the fact that we have to operate on the full object when reading it from memory.
Likewise, we can compare the Assembly code for the atomic full-access
version of Window_Register
vs. the atomic (non-full-access) version
of Window_Register
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
These are the manually-adapted differences between both versions:
-- Atomic, Full_Access_Only | -- Atomic
procedure Show_Register is procedure Show_Register is
push %rbp push %rbp
mov %rsp,%rbp mov %rsp,%rbp
sub $0x20,%rsp | sub $0x10,%rsp
WR : Window_Register := WR : Window_Register :=
(Horizontal_Cnt => 800, (Horizontal_Cnt => 800,
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xffffc000,%eax and $0xffffc000,%eax
or $0x320,%eax or $0x320,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%eax and $0xc000ffff,%eax
or $0x2580000,%eax or $0x2580000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
or $0x40000000,%eax or $0x40000000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
WR : Window_Register := WR : Window_Register :=
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0x14(%rbp) <
mov -0x14(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
Vertical_Cnt => 600, Vertical_Cnt => 600,
Refresh_Needed => True, Refresh_Needed => True,
others => <>); others => <>);
begin begin
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%ecx <
and $0x3fff,%cx | and $0x3fff,%ax
| add %eax,%eax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => <
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,%edx <
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, <
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax <
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
> mov %eax,%edx
> mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0xffffc000,%edx | and $0xffffc000,%eax
or %edx,%eax or %edx,%eax
mov %eax,%edx <
mov %edx,%eax <
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
Vertical_Cnt => Vertical_Cnt =>
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
shr $0x10,%eax shr $0x10,%eax
mov %eax,%ecx <
and $0x3fff,%cx | and $0x3fff,%ax
> add %eax,%eax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => <
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax <
mov %eax,%edx <
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, <
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax <
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
shl $0x10,%eax shl $0x10,%eax
> mov %eax,%edx
> mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%edx | and $0xc000ffff,%eax
or %edx,%eax or %edx,%eax
mov %eax,%edx <
mov %edx,%eax <
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0xbfffffff,%eax and $0xbfffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
xchg %eax,-0x8(%rbp) xchg %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
others => <>); others => <>);
Again, there are some differences between both versions, even though some parts of the Assembly code are the same or look very similar.
Finally, we might want to compare the nonatomic full-access version
vs. the atomic full-access version of the Window_Register
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
type Window_Register is record
-- [...]
end record
with Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First,
These are the differences between both versions:
-- Volatile, Full_Access_Only | -- Atomic, Full_Access_Only
procedure Show_Register is procedure Show_Register is
push %rbp push %rbp
mov %rsp,%rbp mov %rsp,%rbp
sub $0x20,%rsp sub $0x20,%rsp
WR : Window_Register := WR : Window_Register :=
(Horizontal_Cnt => 800, (Horizontal_Cnt => 800,
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xffffc000,%eax and $0xffffc000,%eax
or $0x320,%eax or $0x320,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%eax and $0xc000ffff,%eax
or $0x2580000,%eax or $0x2580000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
or $0x40000000,%eax or $0x40000000,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
WR : Window_Register := WR : Window_Register :=
mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0x14(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x14(%rbp)
mov -0x14(%rbp),%eax mov -0x14(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
Vertical_Cnt => 600, Vertical_Cnt => 600,
Refresh_Needed => True, Refresh_Needed => True,
others => <>); others => <>);
begin begin
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%ecx mov %eax,%ecx
and $0x3fff,%cx and $0x3fff,%cx
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2, WR.Horizontal_Cnt * 2,
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
and $0xffffc000,%edx and $0xffffc000,%edx
or %edx,%eax or %edx,%eax
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
mov %edx,%eax mov %edx,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0x3f,%ah and $0x3f,%ah
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
Vertical_Cnt => Vertical_Cnt =>
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2,
mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax mov -0x8(%rbp),%eax
shr $0x10,%eax shr $0x10,%eax
mov %eax,%ecx mov %eax,%ecx
and $0x3fff,%cx and $0x3fff,%cx
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2, Wr.Vertical_Cnt * 2,
lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax lea (%rcx,%rcx,1),%eax
and $0x3fff,%ax and $0x3fff,%ax
WR := (Horizontal_Cnt => WR := (Horizontal_Cnt =>
movzwl %ax,%eax movzwl %ax,%eax
and $0x3fff,%eax and $0x3fff,%eax
shl $0x10,%eax shl $0x10,%eax
and $0xc000ffff,%edx and $0xc000ffff,%edx
or %edx,%eax or %edx,%eax
mov %eax,%edx mov %eax,%edx
mov %edx,%eax mov %edx,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0xbfffffff,%eax and $0xbfffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
and $0x7fffffff,%eax and $0x7fffffff,%eax
mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp)
mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax
mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) | xchg %eax,-0x8(%rbp)
others => <>); others => <>);
As we can see, the code is basically the same — except for the last Assembly instruction, which is a mov instruction in the volatile version and an xchg instruction in the atomic version — which is an atomic instruction on this platform.
Atomic operations
This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.
Ada offers four packages to handle atomic operations. Those packages are
child packages of the System.Atomic_Operations
package. We will discuss
each of those package individually in this section.
Relevant topics
Atomic Exchange
The generic System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange
package provides
operations to compare and exchange objects atomically.
One of those operations is the Atomic_Exchange
function, which performs
the following operations atomically:
function Atomic_Exchange
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Value : Atomic_Type)
return Atomic_Type
Old_Item : Atomic_Type := Item;
Item := Value;
return Old_Item;
end Atomic_Exchange;
As mentioned in the Ada Reference Manual, we can use this function to implement a spinlock. For example:
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange; package Spinlocks is type Lock is new Boolean with Atomic; package Lock_Exchange is new System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange (Lock); end Spinlocks;with Spinlocks; use Spinlocks; use Spinlocks.Lock_Exchange; procedure Show_Locks is L : aliased Lock := False; begin -- Get the lock while Atomic_Exchange (Item => L, Value => True) loop null; end loop; -- At this point, we got the lock. -- Do some stuff here... -- Release the lock. L := False; end Show_Locks;
In this example, we call the Atomic_Exchange
function for the L
lock until we get it. Then, we can use the resource that we protected via the
lock. After we finish our work, we can release the lock by setting L
Note that System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange
is a generic package, so we
have to instantiate it for a specific atomic type — in this case, the
atomic Boolean Lock
We can use multiple tasks to illustrate a situation where using a lock is important to ensure that no race conditions occur:
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange; package Spinlocks is type Lock is new Boolean with Atomic; package Lock_Exchange is new System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange (Lock); end Spinlocks;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Spinlocks; use Spinlocks; use Spinlocks.Lock_Exchange; procedure Show_Locks is L : aliased Lock := False; Task_Count : Integer := 0; task type A_Task; task body A_Task is Task_Number : Integer; begin -- Get the lock while Atomic_Exchange (Item => L, Value => True) loop null; end loop; -- At this point, we got the lock. Task_Count := Task_Count + 1; Task_Number := Task_Count; -- Release the lock. L := False; Put_Line ("Task_Number: " & Task_Number'Image); end A_Task; A, B, C, D, E, F : A_Task; begin null; end Show_Locks;
In this example, we create multiple tasks (A
, B
, C
, E
, F
) and initialize the Task_Number
of each task
based on the value of the Task_Count
variable. To avoid multiple tasks accessing
the Task_Count
variable at the same time, we use the L
lock, which we get
before updating the Task_Count
Another function from the System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange
package is
, which performs the following operations
function Atomic_Compare_And_Exchange
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Prior : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Desired : Atomic_Type)
return Boolean is
if Item = Prior then
Item := Value;
-- The item is only updated if its
-- value and the prior value match
return True;
Prior := Item;
return False;
end if;
end Atomic_Exchange;
This function can be used for
lazy initialization of variables. For
example, consider an application with multiple tasks that make use of a certain
value that isn't initialized at its declaration, but at a later point in time
by an arbitrary task. We can use Atomic_Compare_And_Exchange
to ensure
that we only update that value if it wasn't already initialized.
Let's start with the package specification:
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; package Lazy_Initialization is subtype Lazy_Value_Total_Range is Integer range 99 .. 1000; Lazy_Value_Default_Value : constant := Lazy_Value_Total_Range'First; subtype Lazy_Value_Range is Integer range Lazy_Value_Default_Value + 1 .. Lazy_Value_Total_Range'Last; type Lazy_Value is new Lazy_Value_Total_Range with Atomic, Default_Value => Lazy_Value_Default_Value; package Value_Exchange is new System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange (Lazy_Value); package Lazy_Value_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Lazy_Value_Range); end Lazy_Initialization;
In this package, we declare the Lazy_Value
type with a default value
(specified by the Lazy_Value_Default_Value
constant). Note that we have
two ranges here: Lazy_Value_Total_Range
and Lazy_Value_Range
. We
use the Lazy_Value_Total_Range
in the declaration of the
type: it indicates the total range of the type. We use the
as a constraint for the total range. This range doesn't
contain the default value (Lazy_Value_Default_Value
), and we use it to
indicate the valid values of the type. (We discuss the application of
later on.)
Also, in addition to instantiating the System.Atomic_Operations.Exchange
package, we instantiate the Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random
package, which
we'll use to generate random numbers in the expected range
) for the Lazy_Value
type. (We discussed the
package in the
Introduction to Ada course.)
Let's use this package in the Show_Lazy_Initialization
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Lazy_Initialization; use Lazy_Initialization; use Lazy_Initialization.Value_Exchange; procedure Show_Lazy_Initialization is subtype A_Task_Number is Natural; Value : aliased Lazy_Value; Value_Modified_By : A_Task_Number := 0; task type A_Task is entry Start (This : A_Task_Number); entry Stop; end A_Task; task body A_Task is Task_Number : A_Task_Number; begin accept Start (This : A_Task_Number) do Task_Number := This; end Start; Sleep_Some_Time : declare subtype Sleep_Range is Integer range 1 .. 3; package Random_Sleep is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Sleep_Range); use Random_Sleep; G : Generator; begin Reset (G); delay Duration (Random (G)); end Sleep_Some_Time; Generate_Value : declare use Lazy_Value_Random; G : Generator; Initial_Value : Lazy_Value_Range; Prior : aliased Lazy_Value; begin Reset (G); Initial_Value := Random (G); if Atomic_Compare_And_Exchange (Item => Value, Prior => Prior, Desired => Lazy_Value (Initial_Value)) then Value_Modified_By := Task_Number; end if; end Generate_Value; accept Stop do Put_Line ("Current task number: " & Task_Number'Image); Put_Line ("Value: " & Value'Image); Put_Line ("Modified by task number: " & Value_Modified_By'Image); Put_Line ("---------------------"); end Stop; end A_Task; Some_Tasks : array (1 .. 5) of A_Task; begin for I in Some_Tasks'Range loop Some_Tasks (I).Start (I); end loop; for I in Some_Tasks'Range loop Some_Tasks (I).Stop; end loop; end Show_Lazy_Initialization;
In the Show_Lazy_Initialization
procedure, the most important variable
is Value
, which is the variable we have to protect via a lock. In
addition, we have the auxiliary Value_Modified_By
variable, which
indicates the number of the task that initialized the Value
In this procedure, we also see two main block statements:
the block statement with the
identifier, where we make the task sleep for a random amount of time (in theSleep_Range
range); andthe block statement with the
identified, where we generate a new value randomly and attempt to update theValue
variable (ofLazy_Value
Let's discuss some details about the Generate_Value
block statement. We
start by declaring some variables. Here, it's important to highlight that the
variable is initialized with the default value
). We then call the
function, and pass Value
as actual parameters. We can have two possible outcomes:
hasn't been modified by a task yet, it will contain the default value — which means that the values of thePrior
variables match. In this case, the call toAtomic_Compare_And_Exchange
will update theValue
variable and returnTrue
. (Note that we also update theValue_Modified_By
variable whenAtomic_Compare_And_Exchange
has already been modified by a task, its value doesn't match the (default) value ofPrior
anymore, so the call toAtomic_Compare_And_Exchange
doesn't modify theValue
As mentioned before, we use a stricter range for the random number generator:
the Lazy_Value_Range
. Because this range doesn't contain the default
value (Lazy_Value_Default_Value
), we will never generate a random value
that matches the default value.
Relevant topics
Atomic Test and Set
The System.Atomic_Operations.Test_And_Set
package provides atomic
operations to set and clear atomic flags. To declare flags, we use the
type. The following operations are available:
function, which we call to verify whether the flag can be set and, if positive, set it accordingly.The function returns
if the flag has been set, andFalse
procedure, which we call to clear the flag.
We can use these functions to implement an application similar to the spinlocks that we've seen before:
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Test_And_Set; use System.Atomic_Operations.Test_And_Set; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Test_And_Set is Lock : aliased Test_And_Set_Flag; Task_Count : Integer := 0; task type A_Task; task body A_Task is Task_Number : Integer; begin -- Get the lock while Atomic_Test_And_Set (Lock) loop null; end loop; -- At this point, we got the lock. Task_Count := Task_Count + 1; Task_Number := Task_Count; -- Release the lock. Atomic_Clear (Lock); Put_Line ("Task_Number: " & Task_Number'Image); end A_Task; A, B, C, D, E, F : A_Task; begin null; end Show_Test_And_Set;
Here, we call Atomic_Test_And_Set
in a loop until it returns
. Then, we update the Task_Count
and Task_Number
. When we're
finished, we call the Atomic_Clear
procedure to release the lock.
Relevant topics
Atomic Operations using Integer Arithmetic
The generic System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic
package is used
to perform atomic operations on atomic integer types. It provides the following
operations: the procedures Atomic_Add
and Atomic_Subtract
, and
the functions Atomic_Fetch_And_Add
and Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract
The procedures and the corresponding Atomic_Fetch_
functions do
basically the same thing, with the difference that Atomic_Fetch
functions return the previous (older) value of the input item.
The Atomic_Add
procedure performs the following operations atomically:
procedure Atomic_Add
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Value : Atomic_Type) is
Item := Item + Value;
end Atomic_Add;
The corresponding Atomic_Fetch_And_Add
function performs the following
operations atomically:
function Atomic_Fetch_And_Add
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Value : Atomic_Type)
return Atomic_Type
Old_Item : Atomic_Type := Item;
Item := Item + Value;
return Old_Item;
end Atomic_Fetch_And_Add;
The Atomic_Subtract
procedure performs the following operations
procedure Atomic_Subtract
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Value : Atomic_Type) is
Item := Item - Value;
end Atomic_Subtract;
The corresponding Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract
function performs the
following operations atomically:
function Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract
(Item : aliased in out Atomic_Type;
Value : Atomic_Type)
return Atomic_Type
Old_Item : Atomic_Type := Item;
Item := Item - Value;
return Old_Item;
end Atomic_Fetch_And_Subtract;
Let's reuse a
previous code example
that sets a unique number for each task. In this case, instead of using locks, we
use the atomic operations from the
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic; package Atomic_Integers is type Atomic_Integer is new Integer with Atomic; package Atomic_Integer_Arithmetic is new System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic (Atomic_Integer); end Atomic_Integers;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Atomic_Integers; use Atomic_Integers; use Atomic_Integers.Atomic_Integer_Arithmetic; procedure Show_Atomic_Integers is Task_Count : aliased Atomic_Integer := 0; task type A_Task; task body A_Task is Task_Number : Atomic_Integer; begin Task_Number := Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Task_Count, 1); Put_Line ("Task_Number: " & Task_Number'Image); end A_Task; A, B, C, D, E, F : A_Task; begin null; end Show_Atomic_Integers;
In this example, we call the Atomic_Fetch_And_Add
function to update the
variable and, at the same time, initialize the Task_Number
variable of the current task.
Relevant topics
Atomic Operations using Modular Arithmetic
The generic System.Atomic_Operations.Modular_Arithmetic
package is very
similar to the System.Atomic_Operations.Integer_Arithmetic
package. In
fact, it provides the same operations: the procedures Atomic_Add
, and the functions Atomic_Fetch_And_Add
. The only difference is that it is used for
modular types instead of integer types.
Let's reuse the previous code example, but replace the atomic integer type by an atomic modular type:
pragma Ada_2022; with System.Atomic_Operations.Modular_Arithmetic; package Atomic_Modulars is type Atomic_Modular is mod 100 with Atomic; package Atomic_Modular_Arithmetic is new System.Atomic_Operations.Modular_Arithmetic (Atomic_Modular); end Atomic_Modulars;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Atomic_Modulars; use Atomic_Modulars; use Atomic_Modulars.Atomic_Modular_Arithmetic; procedure Show_Atomic_Modulars is Task_Count : aliased Atomic_Modular := 0; task type A_Task; task body A_Task is Task_Number : Atomic_Modular; begin Task_Number := Atomic_Fetch_And_Add (Task_Count, 1); Put_Line ("Task_Number: " & Task_Number'Image); end A_Task; A, B, C, D, E, F : A_Task; begin null; end Show_Atomic_Modulars;
As we did in the previous example, we again call the
function to update the Task_Count
variable and, at
the same time, initialize the Task_Number
variable of the current task. The
only difference is that we use a modular type (Atomic_Modular
Relevant topics