Design by contracts

Contracts are used in programming to codify expectations. Parameter modes of a subprogram can be viewed as a simple form of contracts. When the specification of subprogram Op declares a parameter using in mode, the caller of Op knows that the in argument won't be changed by Op. In other words, the caller expects that Op doesn't modify the argument it's providing, but just reads the information stored in the argument. Constraints and subtypes are other examples of contracts. In general, these specifications improve the consistency of the application.

Design-by-contract programming refers to techniques that include pre- and postconditions, subtype predicates, and type invariants. We study those topics in this chapter.

Pre- and postconditions

Pre- and postconditions provide expectations regarding input and output parameters of subprograms and return value of functions. If we say that certain requirements must be met before calling a subprogram Op, those are preconditions. Similarly, if certain requirements must be met after a call to the subprogram Op, those are postconditions. We can think of preconditions and postconditions as promises between the subprogram caller and the callee: a precondition is a promise from the caller to the callee, and a postcondition is a promise in the other direction.

Pre- and postconditions are specified using an aspect clause in the subprogram declaration. A with Pre => <condition> clause specifies a precondition and a with Post => <condition> clause specifies a postcondition.

The following code shows an example of preconditions:

procedure Show_Simple_Precondition is procedure DB_Entry (Name : String; Age : Natural) with Pre => Name'Length > 0 is begin -- Missing implementation null; end DB_Entry; begin DB_Entry ("John", 30); -- Precondition will fail! DB_Entry ("", 21); end Show_Simple_Precondition;

In this example, we want to prevent the name field in our database from containing an empty string. We implement this requirement by using a precondition requiring that the length of the string used for the Name parameter of the DB_Entry procedure is greater than zero. If the DB_Entry procedure is called with an empty string for the Name parameter, the call will fail because the precondition is not met.

In the GNAT toolchain

GNAT handles pre- and postconditions by generating runtime assertions for them. By default, however, assertions aren't enabled. Therefore, in order to check pre- and postconditions at runtime, you need to enable assertions by using the -gnata switch.

Before we get to our next example, let's briefly discuss quantified expressions, which are quite useful in concisely writing pre- and postconditions. Quantified expressions return a Boolean value indicating whether elements of an array or container match the expected condition. They have the form: (for all I in A'Range => <condition on A(I)>, where A is an array and I is an index. Quantified expressions using for all check whether the condition is true for every element. For example:

(for all I in A'Range => A (I) = 0)

This quantified expression is only true when all elements of the array A have a value of zero.

Another kind of quantified expressions uses for some. The form looks similar: (for some I in A'Range => <condition on A(I)>. However, in this case the qualified expression tests whether the condition is true only on some elements (hence the name) instead of all elements.

We illustrate postconditions using the following example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Simple_Postcondition is type Int_8 is range -2 ** 7 .. 2 ** 7 - 1; type Int_8_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Int_8; function Square (A : Int_8) return Int_8 is (A * A) with Post => (if abs A in 0 | 1 then Square'Result = abs A else Square'Result > A); procedure Square (A : in out Int_8_Array) with Post => (for all I in A'Range => A (I) = A'Old (I) * A'Old (I)) is begin for V of A loop V := Square (V); end loop; end Square; V : Int_8_Array := (-2, -1, 0, 1, 10, 11); begin for E of V loop Put_Line ("Original: " & Int_8'Image (E)); end loop; New_Line; Square (V); for E of V loop Put_Line ("Square: " & Int_8'Image (E)); end loop; end Show_Simple_Postcondition;

We declare a signed 8-bit type Int_8 and an array of that type (Int_8_Array). We want to ensure each element of the array is squared after calling the procedure Square for an object of the Int_8_Array type. We do this with a postcondition using a for all expression. This postcondition also uses the 'Old attribute to refer to the original value of the parameter (before the call).

We also want to ensure that the result of calls to the Square function for the Int_8 type are greater than the input to that call. To do that, we write a postcondition using the 'Result attribute of the function and comparing it to the input value.

We can use both pre- and postconditions in the declaration of a single subprogram. For example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Simple_Contract is type Int_8 is range -2 ** 7 .. 2 ** 7 - 1; function Square (A : Int_8) return Int_8 is (A * A) with Pre => (Integer'Size >= Int_8'Size * 2 and Integer (A) * Integer (A) <= Integer (Int_8'Last)), Post => (if abs A in 0 | 1 then Square'Result = abs A else Square'Result > A); V : Int_8; begin V := Square (11); Put_Line ("Square of 11 is " & Int_8'Image (V)); -- Precondition will fail... V := Square (12); Put_Line ("Square of 12 is " & Int_8'Image (V)); end Show_Simple_Contract;

In this example, we want to ensure that the input value of calls to the Square function for the Int_8 type won't cause overflow in that function. We do this by converting the input value to the Integer type, which is used for the temporary calculation, and check if the result is in the appropriate range for the Int_8 type. We have the same postcondition in this example as in the previous one.


Predicates specify expectations regarding types. They're similar to pre- and postconditions, but apply to types instead of subprograms. Their conditions are checked for each object of a given type, which allows verifying that an object of type T is conformant to the requirements of its type.

There are two kinds of predicates: static and dynamic. In simple terms, static predicates are used to check objects at compile-time, while dynamic predicates are used for checks at run time. Normally, static predicates are used for scalar types and dynamic predicates for the more complex types.

Static and dynamic predicates are specified using the following clauses, respectively:

  • with Static_Predicate => <property>

  • with Dynamic_Predicate => <property>

Let's use the following example to illustrate dynamic predicates:

with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure Show_Dynamic_Predicate_Courses is package Courses is type Course_Container is private; type Course is record Name : Unbounded_String; Start_Date : Time; End_Date : Time; end record with Dynamic_Predicate => Course.Start_Date <= Course.End_Date; procedure Add (CC : in out Course_Container; C : Course); private package Course_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => Course); type Course_Container is record V : Course_Vectors.Vector; end record; end Courses; package body Courses is procedure Add (CC : in out Course_Container; C : Course) is begin CC.V.Append (C); end Add; end Courses; use Courses; CC : Course_Container; begin Add (CC, Course'( Name => To_Unbounded_String ("Intro to Photography"), Start_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 1), End_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 10))); -- This should trigger an error in the -- dynamic predicate check Add (CC, Course'( Name => To_Unbounded_String ("Intro to Video Recording"), Start_Date => Time_Of (2019, 5, 1), End_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 10))); end Show_Dynamic_Predicate_Courses;

In this example, the package Courses defines a type Course and a type Course_Container, an object of which contains all courses. We want to ensure that the dates of each course are consistent, specifically that the start date is no later than the end date. To enforce this rule, we declare a dynamic predicate for the Course type that performs the check for each object. The predicate uses the type name where a variable of that type would normally be used: this is a reference to the instance of the object being tested.

Note that the example above makes use of unbounded strings and dates. Both types are available in Ada's standard library. Please refer to the following sections for more information about:

Static predicates, as mentioned above, are mostly used for scalar types and checked during compilation. They're particularly useful for representing non-contiguous elements of an enumeration. A classic example is a list of week days:

type Week is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);

We can easily create a sub-list of work days in the week by specifying a subtype with a range based on Week. For example:

subtype Work_Week is Week range Mon .. Fri;

Ranges in Ada can only be specified as contiguous lists: they don't allow us to pick specific days. However, we may want to create a list containing just the first, middle and last day of the work week. To do that, we use a static predicate:

subtype Check_Days is Work_Week
  with Static_Predicate =>
         Check_Days in Mon | Wed | Fri;

Let's look at a complete example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Predicates is type Week is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun); subtype Work_Week is Week range Mon .. Fri; subtype Test_Days is Work_Week with Static_Predicate => Test_Days in Mon | Wed | Fri; type Tests_Week is array (Week) of Natural with Dynamic_Predicate => (for all I in Tests_Week'Range => (case I is when Test_Days => Tests_Week (I) > 0, when others => Tests_Week (I) = 0)); Num_Tests : Tests_Week := (Mon => 3, Tue => 0, Wed => 4, Thu => 0, Fri => 2, Sat => 0, Sun => 0); procedure Display_Tests (N : Tests_Week) is begin for I in Test_Days loop Put_Line ("# tests on " & Test_Days'Image (I) & " => " & Integer'Image (N (I))); end loop; end Display_Tests; begin Display_Tests (Num_Tests); -- Assigning non-conformant values to -- individual elements of the Tests_Week -- type does not trigger a predicate -- check: Num_Tests (Tue) := 2; -- However, assignments with the "complete" -- Tests_Week type trigger a predicate -- check. For example: -- -- Num_Tests := (others => 0); -- Also, calling any subprogram with -- parameters of Tests_Week type -- triggers a predicate check. Therefore, -- the following line will fail: Display_Tests (Num_Tests); end Show_Predicates;

Here we have an application that wants to perform tests only on three days of the work week. These days are specified in the Test_Days subtype. We want to track the number of tests that occur each day. We declare the type Tests_Week as an array, an object of which will contain the number of tests done each day. According to our requirements, these tests should happen only in the aforementioned three days; on other days, no tests should be performed. This requirement is implemented with a dynamic predicate of the type Tests_Week. Finally, the actual information about these tests is stored in the array Num_Tests, which is an instance of the Tests_Week type.

The dynamic predicate of the Tests_Week type is verified during the initialization of Num_Tests. If we have a non-conformant value there, the check will fail. However, as we can see in our example, individual assignments to elements of the array do not trigger a check. We can't check for consistency at this point because the initialization of the a complex data structure (such as arrays or records) may not be performed with a single assignment. However, as soon as the object is passed as an argument to a subprogram, the dynamic predicate is checked because the subprogram requires the object to be consistent. This happens in the last call to Display_Tests in our example. Here, the predicate check fails because the previous assignment has a non-conformant value.

Type invariants

Type invariants are another way of specifying expectations regarding types. While predicates are used for non-private types, type invariants are used exclusively to define expectations about private types. If a type T from a package P has a type invariant, the results of operations on objects of type T are always consistent with that invariant.

Type invariants are specified with a with Type_Invariant => <property> clause. Like predicates, the property defines a condition that allows us to check if an object of type T is conformant to its requirements. In this sense, type invariants can be viewed as a sort of predicate for private types. However, there are some differences in terms of checks. The following table summarizes the differences:


Subprogram parameter checks

Assignment checks


On all in and out parameters

On assignments and explicit initializations

Type invariants

On out parameters returned from subprograms declared in the same public scope

On all initializations

We could rewrite our previous example and replace dynamic predicates by type invariants. It would look like this:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure Show_Type_Invariant is package Courses is type Course is private with Type_Invariant => Check (Course); type Course_Container is private; procedure Add (CC : in out Course_Container; C : Course); function Init (Name : String; Start_Date, End_Date : Time) return Course; function Check (C : Course) return Boolean; private type Course is record Name : Unbounded_String; Start_Date : Time; End_Date : Time; end record; function Check (C : Course) return Boolean is (C.Start_Date <= C.End_Date); package Course_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => Course); type Course_Container is record V : Course_Vectors.Vector; end record; end Courses; package body Courses is procedure Add (CC : in out Course_Container; C : Course) is begin CC.V.Append (C); end Add; function Init (Name : String; Start_Date, End_Date : Time) return Course is begin return Course'(Name => To_Unbounded_String (Name), Start_Date => Start_Date, End_Date => End_Date); end Init; end Courses; use Courses; CC : Course_Container; begin Add (CC, Init (Name => "Intro to Photography", Start_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 1), End_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 10))); -- This should trigger an error in the -- type-invariant check Add (CC, Init (Name => "Intro to Video Recording", Start_Date => Time_Of (2019, 5, 1), End_Date => Time_Of (2018, 5, 10))); end Show_Type_Invariant;

The major difference is that the Course type was a visible (public) type of the Courses package in the previous example, but in this example is a private type.