Concurrency and Real-Time

Understanding the various options

Concurrent and real-time programming are standard parts of the Ada language. As such, they have the same semantics, whether executing on a native target with an OS such as Linux, on a real-time operating system (RTOS) such as VxWorks, or on a bare metal target with no OS or RTOS at all.

For resource-constrained systems, two subsets of the Ada concurrency facilities are defined, known as the Ravenscar and Jorvik profiles. Though restricted, these subsets have highly desirable properties, including: efficiency, predictability, analyzability, absence of deadlock, bounded blocking, absence of priority inversion, a real-time scheduler, and a small memory footprint. On bare metal systems, this means in effect that Ada comes with its own real-time kernel.

For further information

We'll discuss the Ravenscar profile later in this chapter. Details about the Jorvik profile can be found elsewhere [Jorvik].


A New Ravenscar-Based Profile by P. Rogers, J. Ruiz, T. Gingold and P. Bernardi, in Reliable Software Technologies — Ada Europe 2017, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Number 10300.

Enhanced portability and expressive power are the primary advantages of using the standard concurrency facilities, potentially resulting in considerable cost savings. For example, with little effort, it is possible to migrate from Windows to Linux to a bare machine without requiring any changes to the code. Thread management and synchronization is all done by the implementation, transparently. However, in some situations, it’s critical to be able to access directly the services provided by the platform. In this case, it’s always possible to make direct system calls from Ada code. Several targets of the GNAT compiler provide this sort of API by default, for example win32ada for Windows and Florist for POSIX systems.

On native and RTOS-based platforms GNAT typically provides the full concurrency facilities. In contrast, on bare metal platforms GNAT typically provides the two standard subsets: Ravenscar and Jorvik.


Ada offers a high level construct called a task which is an independent thread of execution. In GNAT, tasks are either mapped to the underlying OS threads, or use a dedicated kernel when not available.

The following example will display the 26 letters of the alphabet twice, using two concurrent tasks. Since there is no synchronization between the two threads of control in any of the examples, the output may be interspersed.


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is -- implicitly called by the environment task subtype A_To_Z is Character range 'A' .. 'Z'; task My_Task; task body My_Task is begin for I in A_To_Z'Range loop Put (I); end loop; New_Line; end My_Task; begin for I in A_To_Z'Range loop Put (I); end loop; New_Line; end Main;

Any number of Ada tasks may be declared in any declarative region. A task declaration is very similar to a procedure or package declaration. They all start automatically when control reaches the begin. A block will not exit until all sequences of statements defined within that scope, including those in tasks, have been completed.

A task type is a generalization of a task object; each object of a task type has the same behavior. A declared object of a task type is started within the scope where it is declared, and control does not leave that scope until the task has terminated.

Task types can be parameterized; the parameter serves the same purpose as an argument to a constructor in Java. The following example creates 10 tasks, each of which displays a subset of the alphabet contained between the parameter and the 'Z' Character. As with the earlier example, since there is no synchronization among the tasks, the output may be interspersed depending on the underlying implementation of the task scheduling algorithm.


package My_Tasks is task type My_Task (First : Character); end My_Tasks;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body My_Tasks is task body My_Task is begin for I in First .. 'Z' loop Put (I); end loop; New_Line; end My_Task; end My_Tasks;
with My_Tasks; use My_Tasks; procedure Main is Dummy_Tab : array (0 .. 3) of My_Task ('W'); begin null; end Main;

In Ada, a task may be dynamically allocated rather than declared statically. The task will then start as soon as it has been allocated, and terminates when its work is completed.


with My_Tasks; use My_Tasks; procedure Main is type Ptr_Task is access My_Task; T : Ptr_Task; begin T := new My_Task ('W'); end Main;


A rendezvous is a synchronization between two tasks, allowing them to exchange data and coordinate execution. Let's consider the following example:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is task After is entry Go; end After; task body After is begin accept Go; Put_Line ("After"); end After; begin Put_Line ("Before"); After.Go; end Main;

The Go entry declared in After is the client interface to the task. In the task body, the accept statement causes the task to wait for a call on the entry. This particular entry and accept pair simply causes the task to wait until Main calls After.Go. So, even though the two tasks start simultaneously and execute independently, they can coordinate via Go. Then, they both continue execution independently after the rendezvous.

The entry/accept pair can take/pass parameters, and the accept statement can contain a sequence of statements; while these statements are executed, the caller is blocked.

Let's look at a more ambitious example. The rendezvous below accepts parameters and executes some code:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is task After is entry Go (Text : String); end After; task body After is begin accept Go (Text : String) do Put_Line ("After: " & Text); end Go; end After; begin Put_Line ("Before"); After.Go ("Main"); end Main;

In the above example, the Put_Line is placed in the accept statement. Here's a possible execution trace, assuming a uniprocessor:

  1. At the begin of Main, task After is started and the main procedure is suspended.

  2. After reaches the accept statement and is suspended, since there is no pending call on the Go entry.

  3. The main procedure is awakened and executes the Put_Line invocation, displaying the string "Before".

  4. The main procedure calls the Go entry. Since After is suspended on its accept statement for this entry, the call succeeds.

  5. The main procedure is suspended, and the task After is awakened to execute the body of the accept statement. The actual parameter "Main" is passed to the accept statement, and the Put_Line invocation is executed. As a result, the string "After: Main" is displayed.

  6. When the accept statement is completed, both the After task and the main procedure are ready to run. Suppose that the Main procedure is given the processor. It reaches its end, but the local task After has not yet terminated. The main procedure is suspended.

  7. The After task continues, and terminates since it is at its end. The main procedure is resumed, and it too can terminate since its dependent task has terminated.

The above description is a conceptual model; in practice the implementation can perform various optimizations to avoid unnecessary context switches.

Selective Rendezvous

The accept statement by itself can only wait for a single event (call) at a time. The select statement allows a task to listen for multiple events simultaneously, and then to deal with the first event to occur. This feature is illustrated by the task below, which maintains an integer value that is modified by other tasks that call Increment, Decrement, and Get:


package Counters is task Counter is entry Get (Result : out Integer); entry Increment; entry Decrement; end Counter; end Counters;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Counters is task body Counter is Value : Integer := 0; begin loop select accept Increment do Value := Value + 1; end Increment; or accept Decrement do Value := Value - 1; end Decrement; or accept Get (Result : out Integer) do Result := Value; end Get; or delay 5.0; Put_Line ("Exiting Counter task..."); exit; end select; end loop; end Counter; end Counters;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Counters; use Counters; procedure Main is V : Integer; begin Put_Line ("Main started."); Counter.Get (V); Put_Line ("Got value. Value = " & Integer'Image (V)); Counter.Increment; Put_Line ("Incremented value."); Counter.Increment; Put_Line ("Incremented value."); Counter.Get (V); Put_Line ("Got value. Value = " & Integer'Image (V)); Counter.Decrement; Put_Line ("Decremented value."); Counter.Get (V); Put_Line ("Got value. Value = " & Integer'Image (V)); Put_Line ("Main finished."); end Main;

When the task's statement flow reaches the select, it will wait for all four events — three entries and a delay — in parallel. If the delay of five seconds is exceeded, the task will execute the statements following the delay statement (and in this case will exit the loop, in effect terminating the task). The accept bodies for the Increment, Decrement, or Get entries will be otherwise executed as they're called. These four sections of the select statement are mutually exclusive: at each iteration of the loop, only one will be invoked. This is a critical point; if the task had been written as a package, with procedures for the various operations, then a race condition could occur where multiple tasks simultaneously calling, say, Increment, cause the value to only get incremented once. In the tasking version, if multiple tasks simultaneously call Increment then only one at a time will be accepted, and the value will be incremented by each of the tasks when it is accepted.

More specifically, each entry has an associated queue of pending callers. If a task calls one of the entries and Counter is not ready to accept the call (i.e., if Counter is not suspended at the select statement) then the calling task is suspended, and placed in the queue of the entry that it is calling. From the perspective of the Counter task, at any iteration of the loop there are several possibilities:

  • There is no call pending on any of the entries. In this case Counter is suspended. It will be awakened by the first of two events: a call on one of its entries (which will then be immediately accepted), or the expiration of the five second delay (whose effect was noted above).

  • There is a call pending on exactly one of the entries. In this case control passes to the select branch with an accept statement for that entry.

  • There are calls pending on more than one entry. In this case one of the entries with pending callers is chosen, and then one of the callers is chosen to be de-queued. The choice of which caller to accept depends on the queuing policy, which can be specified via a pragma defined in the Real-Time Systems Annex of the Ada standard; the default is First-In First-Out.

Protected Objects

Although the rendezvous may be used to implement mutually exclusive access to a shared data object, an alternative (and generally preferable) style is through a protected object, an efficiently implementable mechanism that makes the effect more explicit. A protected object has a public interface (its protected operations) for accessing and manipulating the object's components (its private part). Mutual exclusion is enforced through a conceptual lock on the object, and encapsulation ensures that the only external access to the components are through the protected operations.

Two kinds of operations can be performed on such objects: read-write operations by procedures or entries, and read-only operations by functions. The lock mechanism is implemented so that it's possible to perform concurrent read operations but not concurrent write or read/write operations.

Let's reimplement our earlier tasking example with a protected object called Counter:


package Counters is protected Counter is function Get return Integer; procedure Increment; procedure Decrement; private Value : Integer := 0; end Counter; end Counters;
package body Counters is protected body Counter is function Get return Integer is begin return Value; end Get; procedure Increment is begin Value := Value + 1; end Increment; procedure Decrement is begin Value := Value - 1; end Decrement; end Counter; end Counters;

Having two completely different ways to implement the same paradigm might seem complicated. However, in practice the actual problem to solve usually drives the choice between an active structure (a task) or a passive structure (a protected object).

A protected object can be accessed through prefix notation:


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Counters; use Counters; procedure Main is begin Counter.Increment; Counter.Decrement; Put_Line (Integer'Image (Counter.Get)); end Main;

A protected object may look like a package syntactically, since it contains declarations that can be accessed externally using prefix notation. However, the declaration of a protected object is extremely restricted; for example, no public data is allowed, no types can be declared inside, etc. And besides the syntactic differences, there is a critical semantic distinction: a protected object has a conceptual lock that guarantees mutual exclusion; there is no such lock for a package.

Like tasks, it's possible to declare protected types that can be instantiated several times:

   protected type Counter is
      -- as above
   end Counter;

   protected body Counter is
      -- as above
   end Counter;

   C1 : Counter;
   C2 : Counter;
   .. .

Protected objects and types can declare a procedure-like operation known as an entry. An entry is somewhat similar to a procedure but includes a so-called barrier condition that must be true in order for the entry invocation to succeed. Calling a protected entry is thus a two step process: first, acquire the lock on the object, and then evaluate the barrier condition. If the condition is true then the caller will execute the entry body. If the condition is false, then the caller is placed in the queue for the entry, and relinquishes the lock. Barrier conditions (for entries with non-empty queues) are reevaluated upon completion of protected procedures and protected entries.

Here's an example illustrating protected entries: a protected type that models a binary semaphore / persistent signal.


package Binary_Semaphores is protected type Binary_Semaphore is entry Wait; procedure Signal; private Signaled : Boolean := False; end Binary_Semaphore; end Binary_Semaphores;
package body Binary_Semaphores is protected body Binary_Semaphore is entry Wait when Signaled is begin Signaled := False; end Wait; procedure Signal is begin Signaled := True; end Signal; end Binary_Semaphore; end Binary_Semaphores;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Binary_Semaphores; use Binary_Semaphores; procedure Main is B : Binary_Semaphore; task T1; task T2; task body T1 is begin Put_Line ("Task T1 waiting..."); B.Wait; Put_Line ("Task T1."); delay 1.0; Put_Line ("Task T1 will signal..."); B.Signal; Put_Line ("Task T1 finished."); end T1; task body T2 is begin Put_Line ("Task T2 waiting..."); B.Wait; Put_Line ("Task T2"); delay 1.0; Put_Line ("Task T2 will signal..."); B.Signal; Put_Line ("Task T2 finished."); end T2; begin Put_Line ("Main started."); B.Signal; Put_Line ("Main finished."); end Main;

Ada concurrency features provide much further generality than what's been presented here. For additional information please consult one of the works cited in the References section.


The Ravenscar profile is a subset of the Ada concurrency facilities that supports determinism, schedulability analysis, constrained memory utilization, and certification to the highest integrity levels. Four distinct application domains are intended:

  • hard real-time applications requiring predictability,

  • safety-critical systems requiring formal, stringent certification,

  • high-integrity applications requiring formal static analysis and verification,

  • embedded applications requiring both a small memory footprint and low execution overhead.

Tasking constructs that preclude analysis, either technically or economically, are disallowed. You can use the pragma Profile (Ravenscar) to indicate that the Ravenscar restrictions must be observed in your program.

Some of the examples we've seen above will be rejected by the compiler when using the Ravenscar profile. For example:


package My_Tasks is task type My_Task (First : Character); end My_Tasks;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body My_Tasks is task body My_Task is begin for C in First .. 'Z' loop Put (C); end loop; New_Line; end My_Task; end My_Tasks;
pragma Profile (Ravenscar); with My_Tasks; use My_Tasks; procedure Main is Tab : array (0 .. 3) of My_Task ('W'); begin null; end Main;

This code violates the No_Task_Hierarchy restriction of the Ravenscar profile. This is due to the declaration of Tab in the Main procedure. Ravenscar requires task declarations to be done at the library level. Therefore, a simple solution is to create a separate package and reference it in the main application:


with My_Tasks; use My_Tasks; package My_Task_Inst is Tab : array (0 .. 3) of My_Task ('W'); end My_Task_Inst;
pragma Profile (Ravenscar); with My_Task_Inst; procedure Main is begin null; end Main;

Also, Ravenscar prohibits entries for tasks. For example, we're not allowed to write this declaration:

task type My_Task (First : Character) is
   entry Start;
end My_Task;

You can use, however, one entry per protected object. As an example, the declaration of the Binary_Semaphore type that we've discussed before compiles fine with Ravenscar:

protected type Binary_Semaphore is
   entry Wait;
   procedure Signal;
   Signaled : Boolean := False;
end Binary_Semaphore;

We could add more procedures and functions to the declaration of Binary_Semaphore, but we wouldn't be able to add another entry when using Ravenscar.

Similar to the previous example with the task array declaration, objects of Binary_Semaphore cannot be declared in the main application:

procedure Main is
   B : Binary_Semaphore;
end Main;

This violates the No_Local_Protected_Objects restriction. Again, Ravenscar expects this declaration to be done on a library level, so a solution to make this code compile is to have this declaration in a separate package and reference it in the Main procedure.

Ravenscar offers many additional restrictions. Covering those would exceed the scope of this chapter. You can find more examples using the Ravenscar profile on this blog post.