
Wide and Wide-Wide Strings

We've seen many source-code examples so far that includes strings. In most of them, we were using the standard string type: String. This type is useful for the common use-case of displaying messages or dealing with information in plain English. Here, we define "plain English" as the use of the language that avoids French accents or German umlaut, for example, and doesn't make use of any characters in non-Latin alphabets.

There are two additional string types in Ada: Wide_String, and Wide_Wide_String. These types are particularly important when dealing with textual information in non-standard English, or in various other languages, non-Latin alphabets and special symbols.

These string types use different bit widths for their characters. This becomes more apparent when looking at the type definitions:

type String is
  array (Positive range <>) of Character;

type Wide_String is
  array (Positive range <>) of Wide_Character;

type Wide_Wide_String is
  array (Positive range <>) of

The following table shows the typical bit-width of each character of the string types:

Character Type



8 bits


16 bits


32 bits

We can see that when running this example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Wide_Char_Types is begin Put_Line ("Character'Size: " & Integer'Image (Character'Size)); Put_Line ("Wide_Character'Size: " & Integer'Image (Wide_Character'Size)); Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_Character'Size: " & Integer'Image (Wide_Wide_Character'Size)); end Show_Wide_Char_Types;

Let's look at another example, this time using wide strings:

with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_Wide_String_Types is package TI renames Ada.Text_IO; package WTI renames Ada.Wide_Text_IO; package WWTI renames Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; S : constant String := "hello"; WS : constant Wide_String := "hello"; WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := "hello"; begin TI.Put_Line ("String: " & S); TI.Put_Line ("Length: " & Integer'Image (S'Length)); TI.Put_Line ("Size: " & Integer'Image (S'Size)); TI.Put_Line ("Component_Size: " & Integer'Image (S'Component_Size)); TI.Put_Line ("------------------------"); WTI.Put_Line ("Wide string: " & WS); TI.Put_Line ("Length: " & Integer'Image (WS'Length)); TI.Put_Line ("Size: " & Integer'Image (WS'Size)); TI.Put_Line ("Component_Size: " & Integer'Image (WS'Component_Size)); TI.Put_Line ("------------------------"); WWTI.Put_Line ("Wide-wide string: " & WWS); TI.Put_Line ("Length: " & Integer'Image (WWS'Length)); TI.Put_Line ("Size: " & Integer'Image (WWS'Size)); TI.Put_Line ("Component_Size: " & Integer'Image (WWS'Component_Size)); TI.Put_Line ("------------------------"); end Show_Wide_String_Types;

Here, all strings (S, WS and WWS) have the same length of 5 characters. However, the size of each character is different — thus, each string has a different overall size.

The recommendation is to use the String type when the textual information you're processing is in standard English. In case any kind of internationalization is needed, using Wide_Wide_String is probably the best choice, as it covers all possible use-cases.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Text I/O

Note that, in the previous example, we were using different versions of the Ada.Text_IO package depending on the string type we were using:

  • Ada.Text_IO for objects of String type,

  • Ada.Wide_Text_IO for objects of Wide_String type,

  • Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO for objects of Wide_Wide_String type.

In that example, we were also using package renaming to differentiate among those packages.

Similarly, there are different versions of text I/O packages for individual types. For example, if we want to display the value of a Long_Integer variable based on the Wide_Wide_String type, we can select the Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO package. In fact, the list of packages resulting from the combination of those types is quite long:

Scalar Type

Text I/O Packages


  • Ada.Integer_Text_IO

  • Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO


  • Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO


  • Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Wide_Wide_Text_IO


  • Ada.Float_Text_IO

  • Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Float_Wide_Wide_Text_IO


  • Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Wide_Text_IO


  • Ada.Long_Long_Float_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO

  • Ada.Long_Long_Float_Wide_Wide_Text_IO

Also, there are different versions of the generic packages Integer_IO and Float_IO:

Scalar Type

Text I/O Packages

Integer types

  • Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO

  • Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO

  • Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO

Real types

  • Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO

  • Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO

  • Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO

Wide and Wide-Wide String Handling

As we've just seen, we have different versions of the Ada.Text_IO package. The same applies to string handling packages. As we've seen in the Introduction to Ada course, we can use the Ada.Strings.Fixed and Ada.Strings.Maps packages for string handling. For other formats, we have these packages:

  • Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed,

  • Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed,

  • Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps,

  • Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps.

Let's look at this example from the Introduction to Ada course, which we adapted for wide-wide strings:

with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Maps; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_Find_Words is S : constant Wide_Wide_String := "Hello" & 3 * " World"; F : Positive; L : Natural; I : Natural := 1; Whitespace : constant Wide_Wide_Character_Set := To_Set (' '); begin Put_Line ("String: " & S); Put_Line ("String length: " & Integer'Wide_Wide_Image (S'Length)); while I in S'Range loop Find_Token (Source => S, Set => Whitespace, From => I, Test => Outside, First => F, Last => L); exit when L = 0; Put_Line ("Found word instance at position " & F'Wide_Wide_Image & ": '" & S (F .. L) & "'"); I := L + 1; end loop; end Show_Find_Words;

In this example, we're using the Find_Token procedure to find the words from the phrase stored in the S constant. All the operations we're using here are similar to the ones for String type, but making use of the Wide_Wide_String type instead. (We talk about the Wide_Wide_Image attribute later on.)

Bounded and Unbounded Wide and Wide-Wide Strings

We've seen in the Introduction to Ada course that other kinds of String types are available. For example, we can use bounded and unbounded strings — those correspond to the Bounded_String and Unbounded_String types.

Those kinds of string types are available for Wide_String, and Wide_Wide_String. The following table shows the available types and corresponding packages:











The same applies to text I/O for those strings. For the standard case, we have Ada.Text_IO.Bounded_IO for the Bounded_String type and Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO for the Unbounded_String type.

For wider string types, we have:


Text I/O Package









Let's look at a simple example:

with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Wide_Unbounded_IO; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Wide_Wide_Unbounded_IO; procedure Show_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String is S : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String := To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String ("Hello"); begin S := S & Wide_Wide_String'(" hello"); Put_Line ("Unbounded wide-wide string: " & S); end Show_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String;

In this example, we're declaring a variable S and initializing it with the word "Hello." Then, we're concatenating it with " hello" and displaying it. All the operations we're using here are similar to the ones for Unbounded_String type, but they've been adapted for the Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String type.

String Encoding

Unicode is one of the most widespread standards for encoding writing systems other than the Latin alphabet. It defines a format called Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) in various versions, which vary according to the underlying precision, support for backwards-compatibility and other requirements.

In the Ada Reference Manual

UTF-8 encoding and decoding

A common UTF format is UTF-8, which encodes strings using up to four (8-bit) bytes and is backwards-compatible with the ASCII format. While encoding of ASCII characters requires only one byte, Chinese characters require three bytes, for example.

In Ada applications, UTF-8 strings are indicated by using the UTF_8_String from the Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding package. In order to encode from and to UTF-8 strings, we can use the Encode and Decode functions. Those functions are specified in the child packages of the Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding package. We select the appropriate child package depending on the string type we're using, as you can see in the following table:

Child Package of Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding

Convert from / to


String type


Wide_String type


Wide_Wide_String type

Let's look at an example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded; procedure Show_WW_UTF_String is function To_UWWS (Source : Wide_Wide_String) return Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String renames To_Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; function To_WWS (Source : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String) return Wide_Wide_String renames To_Wide_Wide_String; Hello_World_Arabic : constant UTF_8_String := "مرحبا يا عالم"; WWS_Hello_World_Arabic : constant Wide_Wide_String := Decode (Hello_World_Arabic); UWWS : Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String; begin UWWS := "Hello World: " & To_UWWS (WWS_Hello_World_Arabic); Show_WW_String : declare WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := To_WWS (UWWS); begin Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String Length: " & WWS'Length'Image); Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String Size: " & WWS'Size'Image); end Show_WW_String; Put_Line ("---------------------------------------"); Put_Line ("Converting Wide_Wide_String to UTF-8..."); Show_UTF_8_String : declare S_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := Encode (To_WWS (UWWS)); begin Put_Line ("UTF-8 String: " & S_UTF_8); Put_Line ("UTF-8 String Length: " & S_UTF_8'Length'Image); Put_Line ("UTF-8 String Size: " & S_UTF_8'Size'Image); end Show_UTF_8_String; end Show_WW_UTF_String;

In this application, we start by storing a string in Arabic in the Hello_World_Arabic constant. We then use the Decode function to convert that string from UTF_8_String type to Wide_Wide_String type — we store it in the WWS_Hello_World_Arabic constant.

We use a variable of type Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String (UWWS) to manipulate strings: we append the string in Arabic to the "Hello World: " string and store it in UWWS.

In the Show_WW_String block, we convert the string — stored in UWWS — from the Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String type to the Wide_Wide_String type and display the length and size of the string. We do something similar in the Show_UTF_8_String block, but there, we convert to the UTF_8_String type.

Also, in the Show_UTF_8_String block, we use the Encode function to convert that string from Wide_Wide_String type to then UTF_8_String type — we store it in the S_UTF_8 constant.

UTF-8 size and length

As you can see when running the last code example from the previous subsection, we have different sizes and lengths depending on the string type:

String type









The size needed for storing the string when using the Wide_Wide_String type is bigger than the one when using the UTF_8_String type. This is expected, as the Wide_Wide_String uses 32-bit characters, while the UTF_8_String type uses 8-bit codes to store the string in a more efficient way (memory-wise).

The length of the string using the Wide_Wide_String type is equivalent to the number of symbols we have in the original string: 26 characters / symbols. When using UTF-8, however, we may need more 8-bit codes to represent one symbol from the original string, so we may end up with a length value that is bigger than the actual number of symbols from the original string — as it is the case in this source-code example.

This difference in sizes might not always be the case. In fact, the sizes match when encoding a symbol in UTF-8 that requires four 8-bit codes. For example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; procedure Show_UTF_8 is Symbol_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := "𝚡"; Symbol_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := Decode (Symbol_UTF_8); begin Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String Length: " & Symbol_WWS'Length'Image); Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String Size: " & Symbol_WWS'Size'Image); Put_Line ("UTF-8 String Length: " & Symbol_UTF_8'Length'Image); Put_Line ("UTF-8 String Size: " & Symbol_UTF_8'Size'Image); New_Line; Put_Line ("UTF-8 String: " & Symbol_UTF_8); end Show_UTF_8;

In this case, both strings — using the Wide_Wide_String type or the UTF_8_String type — have the same size: 32 bits. (Here, we're using the 𝚡 symbol from the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block, not the standard "x" from the Basic Latin block.)

UTF-8 encoding in source-code files

In the past, it was common to use different character sets in text files when writing in different (human) languages. By default, Ada source-code files are expected to use the Latin-1 coding, which is a 8-bit character set.

Nowadays, however, using UTF-8 coding for text files — including source-code files — is very common. If your Ada code only uses standard ASCII characters, but you're saving it in a UTF-8 coded file, there's no need to worry about character sets, as UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII.

However, you might want to use Unicode symbols in your Ada source code to declare constants — as we did in the previous sections — and store the source code in a UTF-8 coded file. In this case, you need be careful about how this file is parsed by the compiler.

Let's look at this source-code example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; procedure Show_UTF_8_Strings is Symbols_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := "♥♫"; begin Put_Line ("UTF_8_String: " & Symbols_UTF_8); Put_Line ("Length: " & Symbols_UTF_8'Length'Image); end Show_UTF_8_Strings;

Here, we're using Unicode symbols to initialize the Symbols_UTF_8 constant of UTF_8_String type.

Now, let's assume this source-code example is stored in a UTF-8 coded file. Because the "♥♫" string makes use of non-ASCII Unicode symbols, representing this string in UTF-8 format will require more than 2 bytes. In fact, each one of those Unicode symbols requires 2 bytes to be encoded in UTF-8. (Keep in mind that Unicode symbols may require between 1 to 4 bytes to be encoded in UTF-8 format.) Also, in this case, the UTF-8 encoding process is using two additional bytes. Therefore, the total length of the string is six, which matches what we see when running the Show_UTF_8_Strings procedure. In other words, the length of the Symbols_UTF_8 string doesn't refer to those two characters ("♥♫") that we were using in the constant declaration, but the length of the encoded bytes in its UTF-8 representation.

The UTF-8 format is very useful for storing and transmitting texts. However, if we want to process Unicode symbols, it's probably better to use string types with 32-bit characters — such as Wide_Wide_String. For example, let's say we want to use the "♥♫" string again to initialize a constant of Wide_Wide_String type:

with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_WWS_Strings is package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package WWTIO renames Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; Symbols_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := "♥♫"; begin WWTIO.Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String: " & Symbols_WWS); TIO.Put_Line ("Length: " & Symbols_WWS'Length'Image); end Show_WWS_Strings;
---- run info:

In this case, as mentioned above, if we store this source code in a text file using UTF-8 format, we need to ensure that the UTF-8 coded symbols are correctly interpreted by the compiler when it parses the text file. Otherwise, we might get unexpected behavior. (Interpreting the characters in UTF-8 format as Latin-1 format is certainly an example of what we want to avoid here.)

In the GNAT toolchain

You can use UTF-8 coding in your source-code file and initialize strings of 32-bit characters. However, as we just mentioned, you need to make sure that the UTF-8 coded symbols are correctly interpreted by the compiler when dealing with types such as Wide_Wide_String. For this case, GNAT offers the -gnatW8 switch. Let's run the previous example using this switch:

with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_WWS_Strings is package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package WWTIO renames Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; Symbols_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := "♥♫"; begin WWTIO.Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String: " & Symbols_WWS); TIO.Put_Line ("Length: " & Symbols_WWS'Length'Image); end Show_WWS_Strings;

Because the Wide_Wide_String type has 32-bit characters. we expect the length of the string to match the number of symbols that we're using. Indeed, when running the Show_WWS_Strings procedure, we see that the Symbols_WWS string has a length of two characters, which matches the number of characters of the "♥♫" string.

When we use the -gnatW8 switch, GNAT converts the UTF-8-coded string ("♥♫") to UTF-32 format, so we get two 32-bit characters. It then uses the UTF-32-coded string to initialize the Symbols_WWS string.

If we don't use the -gnatW8 switch, however, we get wrong results. Let's look at the same example again without the switch:

with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_WWS_Strings is package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO; package WWTIO renames Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; Symbols_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := "♥♫"; begin WWTIO.Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String: " & Symbols_WWS); TIO.Put_Line ("Length: " & Symbols_WWS'Length'Image); end Show_WWS_Strings;

Now, the "♥♫" string is being interpreted as a string of six 8-bit characters. (In other words, the UTF-8-coded string isn't converted to the UTF-32 format.) Each of those 8-bit characters is then stored in a 32-bit character of the Wide_Wide_String type. This explains why the Show_WWS_Strings procedure reports a length of 6 components for the Symbols_WWS string.

Portability of UTF-8 in source-code files

In a previous code example, we were assuming that the format that we use for the source-code file is UTF-8. This allows us to simply use Unicode symbols directly in strings:

Symbol_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := "★";

This approach, however, might not be portable. For example, if the compiler uses a different string encoding for source-code files, it might interpret that Unicode character as something else — or just throw a compilation error.

If you're afraid that format mismatches might happen in your compilation environment, you may want to write strings in your code in a completely portable fashion, which consists in entering the exact sequence of codes in bytes — using the Character'Val function — for the symbols you want to use.

We can reuse parts of the previous example and replace the UTF-8 character with the corresponding UTF-8 code:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; procedure Show_UTF_8 is Symbol_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := Character'Val (16#e2#) & Character'Val (16#98#) & Character'Val (16#85#); begin Put_Line ("UTF-8 String: " & Symbol_UTF_8); end Show_UTF_8;

Here, we use a sequence of three calls to the Character'Val(code) function for the UTF-8 code that corresponds to the "★" symbol.

UTF-16 encoding and decoding

So far, we've discussed the UTF-8 encoding scheme. However, other encoding schemes exist and are supported as well. In fact, the Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding package defines three encoding schemes:

type Encoding_Scheme is (UTF_8,

For example, instead of using UTF-8 encoding, we can use UTF-16 encoding — either in the big-endian or in the little-endian version. To convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding schemes, we can make use of the conversion functions from the Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions package.

To declare a UTF-16 encoded string, we can use one of the following data types:

  • the 8-bit-character based UTF_String type, or

  • the 16-bit-character based UTF_16_Wide_String type.

When using the 8-bit version, though, we have to specify the input and output schemes when converting between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding schemes.

Let's see a code example that makes use of both UTF_String and UTF_16_Wide_String types:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions; procedure Show_UTF16_Types is Symbols_UTF_8 : constant UTF_8_String := "♥♫"; Symbols_UTF_16 : constant UTF_16_Wide_String := Convert (Symbols_UTF_8); -- ^ Calling Convert for UTF_8_String -- to UTF_16_Wide_String conversion. Symbols_UTF_16BE : constant UTF_String := Convert (Item => Symbols_UTF_8, Input_Scheme => UTF_8, Output_Scheme => UTF_16BE); -- ^ Calling Convert for UTF_8_String -- to UTF_String conversion in UTF-16BE -- encoding. begin Put_Line ("UTF_8_String: " & Symbols_UTF_8); Put_Line ("UTF_16_Wide_String: " & Convert (Symbols_UTF_16)); -- ^ Calling Convert for -- the UTF_16_Wide_String to -- UTF_8_String conversion. Put_Line ("UTF_String / UTF_16BE: " & Convert (Item => Symbols_UTF_16BE, Input_Scheme => UTF_16BE, Output_Scheme => UTF_8)); end Show_UTF16_Types;

In this example, we're declaring a UTF-8 encoded string and storing it in the Symbols_UTF_8 constant. Then, we're calling the Convert functions to convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoding schemes. We're using two versions of this function:

  • the Convert function that returns an object of UTF_16_Wide_String type for an input of UTF_8_String type, and

  • the Convert function that returns an object of UTF_String type for an input of UTF_8_String type.

    • In this case, we need to specify the input and output schemes (see Input_Scheme and Output_Scheme parameters in the code example).

Previously, we've seen that the Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings package offers functions to convert between UTF-8 and the Wide_Wide_String type. The same kind of conversion functions exist for UTF-16 strings as well. Let's look at this code example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions; procedure Show_WW_UTF16_String is Symbols_UTF_16 : constant UTF_16_Wide_String := Wide_Character'Val (16#2665#) & Wide_Character'Val (16#266B#); -- ^ Calling Wide_Character'Val -- to specify the UTF-16 BE code -- for "♥" and "♫". Symbols_WWS : constant Wide_Wide_String := Decode (Symbols_UTF_16); -- ^ Calling Decode for UTF_16_Wide_String -- to Wide_Wide_String conversion. begin Put_Line ("UTF_16_Wide_String: " & Convert (Symbols_UTF_16)); -- ^ Calling Convert for the -- UTF_16_Wide_String to -- UTF_8_String conversion. Put_Line ("Wide_Wide_String: " & Encode (Symbols_WWS)); -- ^ Calling Encode for the -- Wide_Wide_String to -- UTF_8_String conversion. end Show_WW_UTF16_String;

In this example, we're calling the Wide_Character'Val function to specify the UTF-16 BE code of the "♥" and "♫" symbols. We're then using the Decode function to convert between the UTF_16_Wide_String and the Wide_Wide_String types.

Image attribute


In the Introduction to Ada course, we've seen that the Image attribute returns a string that contains a textual representation of an object. For example, we write Integer'Image (V) to get a string for the integer variable V:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Simple_Image is V : Integer; begin V := 10; Put_Line ("V: " & Integer'Image (V)); end Show_Simple_Image;

Naturally, we can use the Image attribute with other scalar types. For example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Simple_Image is type Status is (Unknown, Off, On); V : Float; S : Status; begin V := 10.0; S := Unknown; Put_Line ("V: " & Float'Image (V)); Put_Line ("S: " & Status'Image (S)); end Show_Simple_Image;

In this example, we retrieve a string representing the floating-point variable V. Also, we use Status'Image (V) to retrieve a string representing the textual version of the Status.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Type'Image and Obj'Image

We can also apply the Image attribute to an object directly:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Simple_Image is V : Integer; begin V := 10; Put_Line ("V: " & V'Image); -- Equivalent to: -- Put_Line ("V: " & Integer'Image (V)); end Show_Simple_Image;

In this example, the Integer'Image (V) and V'Image forms are equivalent.

Wider versions of Image

Although we've been talking only about the Image attribute, it's important to mention that each of the wider versions of the string types also has a corresponding Image attribute. In fact, this is the attribute for each string type:


Type of Returned String







Let's see a simple example:

with Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; use Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO; procedure Show_Wide_Wide_Image is F : Float; begin F := 100.0; Put_Line ("F = " & F'Wide_Wide_Image); end Show_Wide_Wide_Image;

In this example, we use the Wide_Wide_Image attribute to retrieve a string of Wide_Wide_String type for the floating-point variable F.

Image attribute for non-scalar types


This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.

In the previous code examples, we were using the Image attribute with scalar types, but it isn't restricted to those types. In fact, we can also use this attribute when dealing with non-scalar types. For example:

package Simple_Records is type Rec is limited private; type Rec_Access is access Rec; function Init return Rec; type Null_Rec is null record; private type Rec is limited record F : Float; I : Integer; end record; function Init return Rec is ((F => 10.0, I => 4)); end Simple_Records;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Simple_Records; use Simple_Records; procedure Show_Non_Scalar_Image is procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Object => Rec, Name => Rec_Access); R_A : Rec_Access := new Rec'(Init); N_R : Null_Rec := (null record); begin R_A := new Rec'(Init); N_R := (null record); Put_Line ("R_A: " & R_A'Image); Put_Line ("R_A.all: " & R_A.all'Image); Put_Line ("N_R: " & N_R'Image); Free (R_A); Put_Line ("R_A: " & R_A'Image); end Show_Non_Scalar_Image;

In the Show_Non_Scalar_Image procedure from this example, we display the access value of R_A and the contents of the dereferenced access object (R_A.all). Also, we see the indication that N_R is a null record and R_A is null after the call to Free.


Since Ada 2022, the Image attribute is available for all types. Prior to this version of the language, it was only available for scalar types. (For other kind of types, programmers had to use the Image attribute for each component of a record, for example.)

In fact, prior to Ada 2022, the Image attribute was described in the 3.5 Scalar Types section of the Ada Reference Manual, as it was only applied to those types. Now, it is part of the new Image Attributes section.

Let's see another example, this time with arrays:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Array_Image is type Float_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Float; FA_3C : Float_Array (1 .. 3); FA_Null : Float_Array (1 .. 0); begin FA_3C := [1.0, 3.0, 2.0]; FA_Null := []; Put_Line ("FA_3C: " & FA_3C'Image); Put_Line ("FA_Null: " & FA_Null'Image); end Show_Array_Image;

In this example, we display the values of the three components of the FA_3C array. Also, we display the null array FA_Null.

Image attribute for tagged types

In addition to untagged types, we can also use the Image attribute with tagged types. For example:

package Simple_Records is type Rec is tagged limited private; function Init return Rec; type Rec_Child is new Rec with private; overriding function Init return Rec_Child; private type Status is (Unknown, Off, On); type Rec is tagged limited record F : Float; I : Integer; end record; function Init return Rec is ((F => 10.0, I => 4)); type Rec_Child is new Rec with record Z : Status; end record; function Init return Rec_Child is (Rec'(Init) with Z => Off); end Simple_Records;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Simple_Records; use Simple_Records; procedure Show_Tagged_Image is R : constant Rec := Init; R_Class : constant Rec'Class := Rec'(Init); R_C : constant Rec_Child := Init; begin Put_Line ("R: " & R'Image); Put_Line ("R_Class: " & R_Class'Image); Put_Line ("R_A: " & R_C'Image); end Show_Tagged_Image;

In the Show_Tagged_Image procedure from this example, we display the contents of the R object of Rec type and the R_Class object of Rec'Class type. Also, we display the contents of the R_C object of the Rec_Child type, which is derived from the Rec type.

Image attribute for task and protected types

We can also apply the Image attribute to protected objects and tasks:

package Simple_Tasking is protected type Protected_Float (I : Integer) is private V : Float := Float (I); end Protected_Float; protected type Protected_Null is private end Protected_Null; task type T is entry Start; end T; end Simple_Tasking;
package body Simple_Tasking is protected body Protected_Float is end Protected_Float; protected body Protected_Null is end Protected_Null; task body T is begin accept Start; end T; end Simple_Tasking;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Simple_Tasking; use Simple_Tasking; procedure Show_Protected_Task_Image is PF : Protected_Float (0); PN : Protected_Null; T1 : T; begin Put_Line ("PF: " & PF'Image); Put_Line ("PN: " & PN'Image); Put_Line ("T1: " & T1'Image); T1.Start; end Show_Protected_Task_Image;

In this example, we display information about the protected object PF, the componentless protected object PN and the task T1.

Put_Image aspect


This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.


In the previous section, we discussed many details about the Image attribute. In the code examples from that section, we've seen the default behavior of this attribute: the string returned by the calls to Image was always in the format defined by the Ada standard.

In some situations, however, we might want to customize the string that is returned by the Image attribute of a type T. Ada allows us to do that via the Put_Image aspect. This is what we have to do:

  1. Specify the Put_Image aspect for the type T and indicate a procedure with a specific parameter profile — let's say, for example, a procedure named P.

  2. Implement the procedure P and write the information we want to use into a buffer (by calling the routines defined for Root_Buffer_Type, such as the Put procedure).

We can see these steps performed in the code example below:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Show_Put_Image is type T is null record with Put_Image => Put_Image_T; -- ^ Custom version of Put_Image use Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T); end Show_Put_Image;
package body Show_Put_Image is procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T) is pragma Unreferenced (Arg); begin -- Call Put with customized -- information Buffer.Put ("<custom info>"); end Put_Image_T; end Show_Put_Image;

In the Show_Put_Image package, we use the Put_Image aspect in the declaration of the T type. There, we indicate that the Image attribute shall use the Put_Image_T procedure instead of the default version.

In the body of the Put_Image_T procedure, we implement our custom version of the Image attribute. We do that by calling the Put procedure with the information we want to provide in the Image attribute. Here, we access a buffer of Root_Buffer_Type type, which is defined in the Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers package. (We discuss more about this package later on.)

In the Ada Reference Manual

Complete Example of Put_Image

Let's see a complete example in which we use the Put_Image aspect and write useful information to the buffer:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Custom_Numerics is type Float_Integer is record F : Float := 0.0; I : Integer := 0; end record with Dynamic_Predicate => Integer (Float_Integer.F) = Float_Integer.I, Put_Image => Put_Float_Integer; -- ^ Custom version of Put_Image use Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; procedure Put_Float_Integer (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : Float_Integer); end Custom_Numerics;
package body Custom_Numerics is procedure Put_Float_Integer (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : Float_Integer) is begin -- Call Wide_Wide_Put with customized -- information Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("(F : " & Arg.F'Wide_Wide_Image & ", " & "I : " & Arg.I'Wide_Wide_Image & ")"); end Put_Float_Integer; end Custom_Numerics;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Custom_Numerics; use Custom_Numerics; procedure Show_Put_Image is V : Float_Integer; begin V := (F => 100.2, I => 100); Put_Line ("V = " & V'Image); end Show_Put_Image;

In the Custom_Numerics package of this example, we specify the Put_Image aspect and indicate the Put_Float_Integer procedure. In that procedure, we display the information of components F and I. Then, in the Show_Put_Image procedure, we use the Image attribute for the V variable and see the information in the exact format we specified. (If you like to see the default version of the Put_Image instead, you may comment out the Put_Image aspect part in the declaration of Float_Integer.)

Relation to the Image attribute

Note that we cannot override the Image attribute directly — there's no Image aspect that we could specify. However, as we've just seen, we can do this indirectly by using our own version of the Put_Image procedure for a type T.

The Image attribute of a type T makes use of the procedure indicated in the Put_Image aspect. Let's say we have the following declaration:

type T is null record
  with Put_Image => Put_Image_T;

When we then use the T'Image attribute in our code, the custom Put_Image_T procedure is automatically called. This is a simplified example of how the Image function is implemented:

function Image (V : T)
                return String is
   Buffer : Custom_Buffer;
   --       ^ of Root_Buffer_Type'Class
   --  Calling Put_Image procedure
   --  for type T
   Put_Image_T (Buffer, V);

   --  Retrieving the text from the
   --  buffer as a string
   return Buffer.Get;
end Image;

In other words, the Image attribute basically:

  • calls the Put_Image procedure specified in the Put_Image aspect of type T's declaration and passes a buffer;


  • retrieves the contents of the buffer as a string and returns it.

If the Put_Image aspect of type T isn't specified, the default version is used. (We've seen the default version of various types in the previous section about the Image attribute.)

Put_Image and derived types

Types that were derived from untagged types (or null extensions) make use of the Put_Image procedure that was specified for their parent type — either a custom procedure indicated in the Put_Image aspect or the default one. Naturally, if a derived type has the Put_Image aspect, the procedure indicated in the aspect is used instead. For example:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Untagged_Put_Image is use Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; type T is null record with Put_Image => Put_Image_T; procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T); type T_Derived_1 is new T; type T_Derived_2 is new T with Put_Image => Put_Image_T_Derived_2; procedure Put_Image_T_Derived_2 (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T_Derived_2); end Untagged_Put_Image;
package body Untagged_Put_Image is procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T) is pragma Unreferenced (Arg); begin Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("Put_Image_T"); end Put_Image_T; procedure Put_Image_T_Derived_2 (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T_Derived_2) is pragma Unreferenced (Arg); begin Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("Put_Image_T_Derived_2"); end Put_Image_T_Derived_2; end Untagged_Put_Image;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Untagged_Put_Image; use Untagged_Put_Image; procedure Show_Untagged_Put_Image is Obj_T : T; Obj_T_Derived_1 : T_Derived_1; Obj_T_Derived_2 : T_Derived_2; begin Put_Line ("T'Image : " & Obj_T'Image); Put_Line ("T_Derived_1'Image : " & Obj_T_Derived_1'Image); Put_Line ("T_Derived_2'Image : " & Obj_T_Derived_2'Image); end Show_Untagged_Put_Image;

In this example, we declare the type T and its derived types T_Derived_1 and T_Derived_2. When running this code, we see that:

  • T_Derived_1 makes use of the Put_Image_T procedure from its parent.

    • Note that, if we remove the Put_Image aspect from the declaration of T, the default version of the Put_Image procedure is used for both T and T_Derived_1 types.

  • T_Derived_2 makes use of the Put_Image_T_Derived_2 procedure, which was indicated in the Put_Image aspect of that type, instead of its parent's procedure.

Put_Image and tagged types

Types that are derived from a tagged type may also inherit the Put_Image aspect. However, there are a couple of small differences in comparison to untagged types, as we can see in the following example:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Tagged_Put_Image is use Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; type T is tagged record I : Integer := 0; end record with Put_Image => Put_Image_T; procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T); type T_Child_1 is new T with record I1 : Integer; end record; type T_Child_2 is new T with null record; type T_Child_3 is new T with record I3 : Integer := 0; end record with Put_Image => Put_Image_T_Child_3; procedure Put_Image_T_Child_3 (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T_Child_3); end Tagged_Put_Image;
package body Tagged_Put_Image is procedure Put_Image_T (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T) is pragma Unreferenced (Arg); begin Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("Put_Image_T"); end Put_Image_T; procedure Put_Image_T_Child_3 (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : T_Child_3) is pragma Unreferenced (Arg); begin Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("Put_Image_T_Child_3"); end Put_Image_T_Child_3; end Tagged_Put_Image;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Tagged_Put_Image; use Tagged_Put_Image; procedure Show_Tagged_Put_Image is Obj_T : T; Obj_T_Child_1 : T_Child_1; Obj_T_Child_2 : T_Child_2; Obj_T_Child_3 : T_Child_3; begin Put_Line ("T'Image : " & Obj_T'Image); Put_Line ("--------------------"); Put_Line ("T_Child_1'Image : " & Obj_T_Child_1'Image); Put_Line ("--------------------"); Put_Line ("T_Child_2'Image : " & Obj_T_Child_2'Image); Put_Line ("--------------------"); Put_Line ("T_Child_3'Image : " & Obj_T_Child_3'Image); Put_Line ("--------------------"); Put_Line ("T'Class'Image : " & T'Class (Obj_T_Child_1)'Image); end Show_Tagged_Put_Image;
---- run info:

In this example, we declare the type T and its derived types T_Child_1, T_Child_2 and T_Child_3. When running this code, we see that:

  • for both T_Child_1 and T_Child_2, the parent's Put_Image aspect (the Put_Image_T procedure) is called and its information is combined with the information from the type extension;

    • The information from the parent's Put_Image_T procedure is presented in an aggregate syntax — in this case, this results in (Put_Image_T).

    • For the T_Child_1 type, the I1 component of the type extension is displayed by calling a default version of the Put_Image procedure for that component — (Put_Image_T with I1 =>  0) is displayed.

    • For the T_Child_2 type, no additional information is displayed because this type has a null extension.

  • for the T_Child_3 type, the Put_Image_T_Child_3 procedure, which was indicated in the Put_Image aspect of the type, is used.

Finally, class-wide types (such as T'Class) include additional information. Here, the tag of the specific derived type is displayed first — in this case, the tag of the T_Child_1 type — and then the actual information for the derived type is displayed.

Universal text buffer

In the previous section, we've seen that the first parameter of the procedure indicated in the Put_Image aspect has the Root_Buffer_Type'Class type, which is defined in the Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers package. In this section, we talk more about this type and additional procedures associated with this type.


This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.


We use the Root_Buffer_Type'Class type to implement a universal text buffer that is used to store and retrieve information about data types. Because this text buffer isn't associated with specific data types, it is universal — in the sense that we can really use it for any data type, regardless of the characteristics of this type.

In theory, we could use Ada's universal text buffer to implement applications that actually process text in some form — for example, when implementing a text editor. However, in general, Ada programmers are only expected to make use of the Root_Buffer_Type'Class type when implementing a procedure for the Put_Image aspect. For this reason, we won't discuss any kind of type derivation — or any other kind of usages of this type — in this section. Instead, we'll just focus on additional subprograms from the Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers package.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Additional procedures

In the previous section, we used the Put procedure — and the related Wide_Put and Wide_Wide_Put procedures — from the Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers package. In addition to these procedures, the package also includes:

  • the New_Line procedure, which writes a new line marker to the text buffer;

  • the Increase_Indent procedure, which increases the indentation in the text buffer; and

  • the Decrease_Indent procedure, which decreases the indentation in the text buffer.

The Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers package also includes the Current_Indent function, which retrieves the current indentation counter.

Let's revisit an example from the previous section and use the procedures mentioned above:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; package Custom_Numerics is type Float_Integer is record F : Float; I : Integer; end record with Dynamic_Predicate => Integer (Float_Integer.F) = Float_Integer.I, Put_Image => Put_Float_Integer; -- ^ Custom version of Put_Image use Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers; procedure Put_Float_Integer (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : Float_Integer); end Custom_Numerics;
package body Custom_Numerics is procedure Put_Float_Integer (Buffer : in out Root_Buffer_Type'Class; Arg : Float_Integer) is begin Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("("); Buffer.New_Line; Buffer.Increase_Indent; Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("F : " & Arg.F'Wide_Wide_Image); Buffer.New_Line; Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put ("I : " & Arg.I'Wide_Wide_Image); Buffer.Decrease_Indent; Buffer.New_Line; Buffer.Wide_Wide_Put (")"); end Put_Float_Integer; end Custom_Numerics;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Custom_Numerics; use Custom_Numerics; procedure Show_Put_Image is V : Float_Integer; begin V := (F => 100.2, I => 100); Put_Line ("V = " & V'Image); end Show_Put_Image;

In the body of the Put_Float_Integer procedure, we're using the New_Line, Increase_Indent and Decrease_Indent procedures to improve the format of the string returned by the Float_Integer'Image attribute. Using these procedures, you can create any kind of output format for your custom type.