
Ada uses exceptions for error handling. Unlike many other languages, Ada speaks about raising, not throwing, an exception and handling, not catching, an exception.

Exception declaration

Ada exceptions are not types, but instead objects, which may be peculiar to you if you're used to the way Java or Python support exceptions. Here's how you declare an exception:

package Exceptions is My_Except : exception; -- Like an object. *NOT* a type ! end Exceptions;

Even though they're objects, you're going to use each declared exception object as a "kind" or "family" of exceptions. Ada does not require that a subprogram declare every exception it can potentially raise.

Raising an exception

To raise an exception of our newly declared exception kind, do the following:

with Exceptions; use Exceptions; procedure Main is begin raise My_Except; -- Execution of current control flow -- abandoned; an exception of kind -- "My_Except" will bubble up until it -- is caught. end Main;

Here, the My_Except exception is raised. We can also specify a message:

with Exceptions; use Exceptions; procedure Main is begin raise My_Except with "My exception message"; -- Execution of current control flow -- abandoned; an exception of kind -- "My_Except" with associated string will -- bubble up until it is caught. end Main;

In this case, we see an additional message when the exception is displayed.

Handling an exception

Next, we address how to handle exceptions that were raised by us or libraries that we call. The neat thing in Ada is that you can add an exception handler to any statement block as follows:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Open_File is File : File_Type; begin -- Block (sequence of statements) begin Open (File, In_File, "input.txt"); exception when E : Name_Error => -- ^ Exception to be handled Put ("Cannot open input file : "); Put_Line (Exception_Message (E)); raise; -- Reraise current occurence end; end Open_File;

In the example above, we're using the Exception_Message function from the Ada.Exceptions package. This function returns the message associated with the exception as a string.

You don't need to introduce a block just to handle an exception: you can add it to the statements block of your current subprogram:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Open_File is File : File_Type; begin Open (File, In_File, "input.txt"); -- Exception block can be added to any block exception when Name_Error => Put ("Cannot open input file"); end Open_File;


Exception handlers have an important restriction that you need to be careful about: Exceptions raised in the declarative section are not caught by the handlers of that block. So for example, in the following code, the exception will not be caught.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Be_Careful is function Dangerous return Integer is begin raise Constraint_Error; return 42; end Dangerous; begin declare A : Integer := Dangerous; begin Put_Line (Integer'Image (A)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("error!"); end; end Be_Careful;

This is also the case for the top-level exception block that is part of the current subprogram.

Predefined exceptions

Ada has a very small number of predefined exceptions:

  • Constraint_Error is the main one you might see. It's raised:

    • When bounds don't match or, in general, any violation of constraints.

    • In case of overflow

    • In case of null dereferences

    • In case of division by 0

  • Program_Error might appear, but probably less often. It's raised in more arcane situations, such as for order of elaboration issues and some cases of detectable erroneous execution.

  • Storage_Error will happen because of memory issues, such as:

    • Not enough memory (allocator)

    • Not enough stack

  • Tasking_Error will happen with task related errors, such as any error happening during task activation.

You should not reuse predefined exceptions. If you do then, it won't be obvious when one is raised that it is because something went wrong in a built-in language operation.